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News image Picture 1 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Reintegrating into Presential School
It actually felt like my first day at BCB on Aug 16th, though I had joined a year back. For the first time, I saw most of the students, used a notebook and pen after a long time and actually had face to face conversations with my colleagues and students. Laughter, chatter, moving of furniture as the students settled into their classrooms all felt new but exciting. I know for a fact that the PE, ART and Science teachers were the most jubilant as finally they could actually do some actual practical teaching.
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News image News Default Image News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (20th of August 2021)
There is only one major thing to celebrate this week, your children. It has been fantastic to see how well they have returned to school and settled into a full capacity environment.
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News image Intercompetence Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
International education and intercultural competence
We are all aware of our core value at BCB of being ambitious and having a growth mindset as being part of the group of 73 Nord Anglia Schools but the purpose of education is not just about the self but wider society. Intercultural competence is something that has come to the forefront of international education but what does this mean for our teachers, students and parents as part of the BCB community?
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News image 2021 IGCSE Results News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Students at The British College of Brazil celebrate success with IGCSE results
BCB’s students achieved incredible results at the IGCSE's this year. These results follow this year’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme results, where BCB’s achieved a pass rate of 100% with an average score of 34, higher than the IB global average of 33.02 points globally.
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News image Welcome News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (13th of August 2021)
Just 3 more days to go and we will fully open for the 2021-22 academic year, the tenth anniversary for BCB!
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News image News Default Image News | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (06th of August 2021)
It is with great delight that we can confirm our ability to welcome back each and every child into full time school from Monday August 16th
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News image ALE_3037 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Whole School News
Outstanding results achieved by our IB Diploma students for the 2020/21 academic year
Our entire school community is excited to share the exceptional first IB results achieved by BCB students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). 2021 marks the year of BCB’s first graduating students. This is a landmark moment for any school and it is also a significant moment for BCB.
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News image Screen Shot 20210625 at 151343 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Whole School News
Food Drive BCB - Amigos do Bem!
We would like to thank you for your engagement on our first day of Food Drive. Yesterday we had the campaign debut and it was a success! We are really happy to see our kids donating food and helping the ones who need it.
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News image image 3 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Careers Week and Holidays.
Years 9 and above this week engaged in our first ever Careers Week at BCB where we enjoyed partnerships with The MET School in Panama, Unifrog, Daqui Pra Fora and some great parent keynote speakers organised by the BCB Parent Teacher Association.
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News image Screen Shot 20210625 at 075409 Blog | artculture
Primary Choir - We are Unstoppable!
To end this challenging academic year, Music Team has prepared with Primary Virtual Choir a song from the educational organisation "Sing Up", as part of the Sing Up Day 2021.
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News image fooddrive2 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Amigos do Bem/BCB food drive a success and we are looking forward to supporting them again next year!
We are happy to share with our community the "Thank you letter" received from  Amigos do Bem, after receiving the donation of more them 300 Kg of food that will be donated to 75.000 people as a result of the campaign led by our Year 12 students and PSHE classes activities and our community donations during BCB's food drive's campaign held in the past few weeks.
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (11th of June 2021)
Dear Parents, As a school, our students, parents and staff are committed to supporting charities and to take action to help others. This week we have two amazing charities and stories to share. One is led by our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the other a food drive coordinated by a student for her Global Politics Coursework. This is being supported by other students in Year 12 sorting donations as an action for the CAS aspect of IBDP, something all students have to complete. It stands for Creativity, Activity and Service and is a compulsory aspect in addition to their academic studies. I will write more about IBDP next week as we will by then have celebrated our first graduation ceremony.
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News image Screen Shot 20210611 at 073320 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Step up-Transitioning to Secondary School
At the age of 11 years, children in many school systems transition from primary to secondary school. In most countries worldwide it has been depicted as “one of the most difficult in a pupil's educational careers”( Zeedyk et al., 2003) and a crucial stage in a young adolescent's life .The students are not only changing and growing in remarkable ways but also transitioning to a new phase in their education with much “diversity” both in academic curriculum and social settings . This transition symbolizes a significant life event characterized by various changes not just in the physical school environment, but also in academic rigor and social relations This change also corresponds to the onset of physical and emotional changes associated with puberty, making it one of the most challenging and exciting transitions.
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News image Screen Shot 20210610 at 130358 Blog | PrimaryBlog | Primary Blog
What if you only had 5 minutes to flee your home?
What if you only had 5 minutes to flee your home? What necessities would you take with you? This is the reality for so many worldwide today.
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News image IMG_7463 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Expressive Arts Week - June 2021
What an amazing week we had! Artistic interventions during breaks and lunchtime, giving opportunity for everyone to enjoy and appreciate different musical genres, ensemble and dance performances and visual arts works. We were able to see children interacting with these video and audio interventions by copying dance moves, singing along, and showing themselves completely amazed with people drawing and painting.
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News image The University of Edinburgh Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Careers Week @ BCB.
As we approach the end of the academic year the Secondary team is busy organising the last week of term which is always a strange end in any international school i have worked in. The reports have been published with students receiving their end of year attitude to learning, attainment and comments whilst the tutor who has been mentoring each child for the year shares a comment for the year. So with the last of 3 reports published through iSams what should we do......?
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News image Copy of Copy of Juilliard News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Expressive Arts Week 31/05 - 03/06
The BCB Arts Department organised a very special week for everyone, the BCB Expressive Arts Week, which begins next Monday the 31st of May.
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News image Screen Shot 20210528 at 091236 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The Art of Computational Thinking
Can machines think? — Alan Turing, 1950. Less than a decade after breaking the Nazi encryption machine Enigma and helping the Allied Forces win World War II, the great mathematician Alan Turing changed history a second time with a simple question: "Can machines think?"
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News image Our Newsletter Blog | Newsletters | Weekly Newsletter | Boletim Informativo Semanal
BCB Weekly Newsletter (21th of May 2021)
Dear Parents, This week has seen the final IBDP examination take place and we are absolutely delighted that we had the opportunity to complete this session. It was a long and hard decision for IB to decide who could carry out exams and who might need to go down the route of self- assessment. Brazil thankfully was allowed to complete examinations. If not, it may have proved more of a challenge for us as this method relies on previous years data from the school, something we currently do not have. There was also a risk too that the pandemic may have affected us but with all the precautions we have in place, we have successfully reached the end.
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