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News image 00PD000001SVIAHMA520170901_092425 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Bake Sale Day
On the 1st of September the Events and Fundraising Group held their first fundraising event of the year at BCB.
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News image 00PD000001PQt7zMADIMG_6426 News | sport
Archery Workshop
Last week, we had one of our Year 7 students, Enzo, leading leading a workshop in Archery.
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News image 00PD000001O8WzvMAFIMG_4009 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Battle of the Bands 2017
On Friday 16th June, 7 bands went head to head in a Battle to be named BCBs Battle of the Bands Champions 2017.
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News image 00PD000001O8X3UMAVIMG_6366 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Performing Arts and Sports Awards 2017
On Monday 19th June, the Performing Arts and PE departments held an awards ceremony to recognise the achievements and progress that students have made in groups within these subject areas.
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News image 00PD000001O7LRXMA3IMG20170609WA0009 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Year 9 trip to Chapada dos Guimaraes
The week of 5th to 9th of June, saw our year 9 students visit Chapada dos Guimares - MT.
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News image News Default Image News | artculture
International Academy of Cinema
The children in Year 4 have visited the International Academy of Cinema where they deepened their learning about how films are made.
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News image 00PD000001O7GPDMA320170610_102235 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Capoeira Ceremony
On Saturday 10th of June, our Capoeiristas took part in a Batizado (change of belts ceremony).
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News image 00PD000001O6dRDMAZDSC_4639 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Cidade Jardim Primary Production
This year the children at the CJ campus worked tirelessly to put together an amazing end of year performance entitled Aladdin Trouble
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News image 00PD000001O6dfEMARPhoto May 24 17 05 37 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Residential Trip
In May the Year 3 and Year 4 children from both campuses spent three fantastic days at a residential trip in the countryside of Sao Paulo.
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News image 00PD000001O6XEJMA320170528_131005 News | sport
On Sunday 28th of May, students from Under 8 team had a very strong participation in the VII Acesc Charles Miller football tournament.
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News image 00PD000001O6XB4MANIMG20170605WA0034 News | sport
On Friday 2nd of June, BCB had an amazing Sports Day event at SPAC, students from years 6,7, 8 and 9 competed against each other where they were representing their Houses.
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News image 00PD000001O6WYiMANIMG_5252 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
The Friendship Festival
BCB students attended the Festival for the first time. Six other schools participated, being from Paraguay and Brazil, we were small in numbers but we were able to compete with school who were twice and sometimes three times as big as us.
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News image 00PD000001O5xwQMARIMG20170525WA0007 News | trips | Trips & Expeditions
Year 5 Residential Trip to Cananeia
The Year 5 children took part in a 4 day residential trip to Cananeia in the south of Sao Paulo, and what an experience it was!
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News image 00PD000001O5v5aMABrecitals 10 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Music Recitals
Thursday 1st June was a busy day for the Music Department and visiting Instrumental Teachers, as we held our end of year performance recitals.
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News image 00PD000001O52LNMAZIMG20170522WA0027 News | sport
Fencing Festival
On Saturday 20th of May, BCB hosted the first British College of Brazil Fencing Festival.
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News image 00PD000001O52TaMAJ20170525_163247 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
So Paulo International Schools Theatre Festival
On Thursday 25th May, 14 students from BCB traveled to Graded American School to participate in the first Sao Paulo international schools theatre festival.
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News image 00PD000001O52PWMAZ20170513_114121 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Grease the Musical
On Thursday 18th May, students in Secondary presented Grease the Musical.
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News image 00PD000001O4NovMAF20170504_105615 News | artculture
Reception in the "City of the Book"
On Thursday, May 4th, the Portuguese department organised a tour with the Reception classes of "City of the Book", a themed scenic space that seeks to encourage reading in a very entertaining and exciting way.
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News image 00PD000001O4NqwMAFCopy of IMG_20170512_124538374 News | sport
On Friday 12th of May, students from years 3,4 and 5 took part in the Sports day at SPAC, where they had the chance to show their skills in different activities such as sprints, throws and jumps.
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