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Winter Building Works in Secondary School!
BCB is hard at work over this winter period to improve facilities in The Secondary School. With the pandemic making things a little harder than usual there has been progress in the building of a second science laboratory that will also be a Makerlab where STEAM activities will take place making use of Nord Anglia´s exclusive partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (
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News image Screen Shot 20200603 at 162458 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
If Not Now, When?
Have you heard the saying “ if you want a job doing, ask a busy person”? This saying seems somewhat paradoxical however on closer investigation it does seem to hold true.
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News image Screen Shot 20200529 at 164205 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
BCB Weekly Challenge
As we are currently running as a virtual school and in public isolation, it is important to keep doing things that are different, educational but also fun. Therefore, we will continue to send students and parents a weekly challenge that students can do either alone or together as a family. This is completely informal and voluntary but it could give you ideas for creative and fun things to do at home.
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News image 5 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
Poema na Quarentena.
Trabalhando o gênero "Poema" nas aulas, os alunos de Português da Mrs. Marcia Mendes McLean aproveitaram o isolamento social que vivemos para desenvolver o olhar crítico e produzir arte.
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News image Screen Shot 20200526 at 155502 Blog | artculture
We Need The Magic
I have just spent a very enjoyable hour watching a film made by our wonderful music teacher, Ms Bechara, of the Key Stage 1 entrants in BCB’s Got Talent. This is always a highlight in school as we watch our students take the stage and show us something special, something different and often something magical. Obviously this year it has been somewhat different, using the magic of IT rather than the magic of the theatre to exhibit their talents, nonetheless, the effort and dedication can be clearly seen and the emotion I felt watching them was one of inspiration and joy.
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News image How to remember Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
How to Remember
Recently I started to read a new book, or at least I thought it was new, not brand new, the book had been read before but I am a great lover of sharing books so a pre-read book was perfectly normal to me. I was about a quarter of the way through when some of the scenes had a sense of the familiar about them, I felt I had met the characters before, a few more pages in and I realised I had actually read the book before!
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News image Copy of The_British_College_Of_Brazil_HighRes7851 1 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Why Play is So Important
Children’s right to play is a human right On 1 February 2013 the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted a General Comment that clarifies for governments worldwide the meaning and importance of Article 31 of the Convention on the Right of the Child : Article 31 “That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. That member governments shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.”
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Project Based Learning - Influenced by our Aproach Taken by STEAM and our Collaboration with MIT.
This week in Secondary we launched Project Based Learning* (PBL) which is heavily influenced by the approach taken by STEAM and the collaboration NAE has with The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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Year 5 Got Talent!
In Year 5 we have many talented students. Including musicians, artists, athletes, singers; among many others.
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News image Screen Shot 20200422 at 175728 News | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Sua Lee, Year 2, Wins the COBIS Art Competition 2020
We are delighted to share that our student from Cidade Jardim in Year 2, Sua Lee, has won the COBIS Art Competition 2020, under the KS1 category!
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News image Screen Shot 20200316 at 091354 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Creating Cross-Curricular Opportunities for Science.
One of the aims of international education is to nurture our young people, developing them into productive, global citizens who can use their talents, knowledge and learned skills to support themselves and others. These learned skills can be seen on a day-to-day basis in the most mundane of places. What skills do you use when you make a purchase at a supermarket? Analyzing the health benefits of food, Science. Running a cost analysis in your head, Maths. Considering the implications of purchasing locally sourced goods, Geography. Seeking more information from a worker, the Languages.
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The World Needs Engineers
Climate change; urbanisation; housing; an aging population; water scarcity; the energy-water-food nexus; pollution; global health; biodiversity; wealth distribution; are all major problems needed to be solved in the 21st Century. Therefore, scientists and mathematicians are going to be in high demand. So, what is the role of humanities in Twenty First Century education?
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Design and Technology Celebration
We had a special celebration of Design & Technology at the end of February. All classes on both campuses took part in projects linked to their Creative Curriculum learning and worked individually and collaboratively to design and make a variety of different products.
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News image Witch screaming in a cage News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Hansel & Gretel
The annual performing arts production this year was a play, led by our talented drama teacher Ms. Boon. It was decided that it would be a good year to do a play rather than a musical to give our none singing actors a chance to shine. Ms. Boon chose a dark version of Hansel & Gretel and the students have been working on the performance since September, coming in on Saturdays and staying late to put together the show. Recently more teachers were involved in painting & building the set, producing costumes, working out makeup requirements and working backstage during the event. It really has been a community effort.
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News image 34 x 85_banner_EXT_ALT 2 News | wholeschool | Whole School News
IGCSE and IB Diploma Open Evening
Join us next week for information open evenings and discover your child's gateway to the best universities around the world.
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News image Screen Shot 20200213 at 165540 News | musicanddrama | Music and Drama
Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival
The Nord Anglia Performing Arts Festival is a highlight of the year for some of our students. Why? Because for those that choose to attend it is a chance to spend a week doing what they love most - the performing arts!
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News image Screen Shot 20200207 at 100311 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Driving the Technology Revolution With You, For You.
Technology at BCB always aims at working towards driving the cyber world to create a better future and discovering the silicon world of bits and bytes! This term our children are on the path of showcasing a wonderful aptitude towards programming codes to make different applications. Taking over from Robotics in the last term, designing and creating their own website through templates and codes is what our students are having up their sleeve and enjoying it to the fullest.
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News image Podcast Page Link Blog | globaleducation | Global Education
A Little Bit of Genius - PodCast
Today, Nord Anglia Education launched a brand-new podcast series called A Little Bit of Genius. In this series, student hosts discuss the theme of creativity with fascinating guests in a number of diverse fields. Nord Anglia’s podcast series is just one of the many incredible opportunities that we offer to students to ensure their education inspires them.
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News image Alison Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Head of Primary Blog - Collaboration
In a week when we hear of borders closing and people being kept in quarantine due to a new virus spreading internationally not to mention the UK breaking away from the European Union, my thoughts have turned to how we can work together and not work in isolation.
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News image Screen Shot 20200130 at 153405 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights
Learning English is Hard, but We’re All in it Together!
Learning, acquiring and experiencing an additional language is difficult. Often we try to make sense of it using our mother tongue or we look for other connections and rules to help us make a connection with the language. But what happens when the ‘rules’ make no sense? There are approximately 250,000 words in the English language, of which about 9000 makes up 95% of our daily use. 9000 doesn’t sound that many but it is not the individual words that students have difficulty with, it is how to combine them with the other 8999 words to make sense. One of the most challenging parts of learning vocabulary is understanding what we call ‘phrasal verbs’. Many of us know the word ‘ get’, but look at some of the ways to use ‘get’ that some of our EAL students have been researching:
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