09 June, 2022

Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden

Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden - Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden
This week Year 5 took their learning outside and across the road to the community garden with Mr Halpin.

As part of our IPC unit we are learning about the possibility of life on Mars and to this end we went to test the soil in the garden to compare it to the 'soil' or more correctly the regolith on Mars. Using PH testers and litmus paper strips we found that the soil in the garden is neutral, with a PH value of 6 and 7, and that is why the plants are growing so well. On Mars there are nutrients in the soil but not enough. The pH value of the soil on Mars is 8-9, making it an alkaline soil. On Earth, its nearest comparison is soil found in the dry valleys of Antarctica. This means that plants that thrive in alkaline conditions (such as turnips, cabbages and green beans) could possibly be grown in Martian soil!

Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden - Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden

Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden - Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden

Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden - Year 5 Mission to Mars in the Community Garden