Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
28 March, 2023

On Wednesday 5th April we shall have our Songkran festival in school. It is no exaggeration to say that there will be a huge number of activities taking place in the last few days before we finish Term 2. On Wednesday there will be the opportunity for the school community to give alms to monks from one of the local temples at both the Primary and High School. These events will be followed by the water pouring ceremony taking place as part of Songkran assemblies on both campuses. There will also be lots of opportunities for students to enjoy games, foods and water play.

To be prepared for these festivities, we ask everyone to come to school wearing the traditional bright, happy and of course colourful Songkran shirts, something which will really make our whole school community shine. If past experience is any judge, a change of clothes will also be a good idea.

I look forward to enjoying the final full week of term, followed by our Songkran celebrations with everyone in our school community.