Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
17 January, 2023

Residentials are back! l St Andrews

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

We are all very excited about our upcoming Residential Weeks, with over 500 students on five different Residentials next week and over 200 students on another three Residentials the following week.

Congratulations again to the Residential T-Shirt Competition winners for each year Group, shown below with their winning designs. Very soon they will see their whole Year Group wearing their designs!

The winning designers are:

Year 7: Anjalika (7a)

Year 8: Alicia & Grace (8g)

Year 9: Rio (9a)

Year 10: Proud (10b)

Year 12: Matthew, Siddharth & Taya (Sk)


Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

Residential Week is a very important part of the High School curriculum, with all Year Groups enjoying a wide range of activities and opportunities for personal and social development and to build relationships with both their peers and their teachers, and we are very pleased that the vast majority of students in each Year Group will be participating in the Residentials.

To ease congestion on the mornings of Monday 23rd and Monday 30th, Residentials will have staggered departure times, as shown below. We suggest that students arrive at school 45 minutes before their departure time, when they will be able to leave their luggage at a designated point and then wait in their Tutor Base until departure. Heads of Year will email specific details for each Residential later this week.


Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back

On both of these Monday mornings, there will only be drop off access at High School. If you need to park on those mornings, then please use the facility at Gateway. Parents can collect a Gateway Parking Coupon from either the High School Office or the Security Desk at any time this week.

Term 2 Calendar

Residentials are back! l St Andrews - Residentials-are-back


The Calendar above shows the first four weeks of Term 2, together with the main events for the remainder of the term. You can view all the School's live Google Calendars, and add our calendars to your personal Google Calendar, via Moodle.

Mr Roo
Head of High School