Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
16 November, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: Loy Krathong, Primary Garden, Slime, Christmas Performance, Nursery Rhyme, Fruit Tasting and Moths

Primary and Foundation Stage: Loy Krathong, Primary Garden, Slime, Christmas Performance, Nursery Rhyme, Fruit Tasting and Moths moth

Last Tuesday saw the Primary School enjoy their Loy Krathong celebrations in school. The students all came in, in their wonderful Thai outfits and had photos taken on the field before going to an amazing assembly put on by the Thai Department and supported wonderfully by the Music Department.

The acting, dancing and singing were superb and the students and parents were all thoroughly entertained. After the Assembly students went into their classrooms to make their Krathongs using banana plants and flowers. Thanks to Khun Joy and her team for organising such a wonderful day.

New Green Space is Opened

Last Friday saw the grand opening of the new green space next to the Primary R building. After Mr Paul had cut the ribbon to officially open the area the students went in to enjoy the space. Mr Paul also planted a couple of trees that will grow in the area for us all to enjoy. In the phase of development, a planting garden will be designed so students can plant vegetables and fruits. There will also be other areas dedicated to growing plants and trees for us all to enjoy more nature in our environment. Thank you to Khun Wor and his estates team for working so hard to prepare this wonderful space.

Year 2 instruct us on how to make slime

Year 2 students made slime last week as part of their Instructional Writing topic in English. They needed to follow instructions carefully to make sure they used the correct quantities of each for perfect gooey slime. This exercise will help them understand how important clear instructions are when sharing with someone so the outcome is perfect. Oh and it’s also a lot of messy fun!!!


Year 2s Get Ready for Their Christmas Performance


The year 2 children have been working hard on their forthcoming Christmas Show “Children of the World.” Year 2 families are able to sign up on Moodle to get 2 tickets per child to see the show at these times:



Tuesday 29th November @ 8:30am

Wednesday 30th November @ 8:30am

Thursday 1st December @ 8:30am 


Look out for the email sent last week for more details about how to sign up on Moodle. 

Healthy Eating Week 

Week 5 is Healthy Eating Week in Primary School. In lessons, students will learn about the importance of healthy eating and how to choose a healthy meal based on the Eatwell Guide. Students will be encouraged to choose foods from each of the main food groups: starchy carbohydrates, protein, & vegetables. Food trays in the canteen will be labelled and colour-coded to make it easier for students to choose a healthy meal at lunchtimes. We also encourage parents to support this important message with the packed lunches and snacks provided. Specially designed stickers will be given to students making healthy choices at lunchtime.

There are also 2 competitions for students to enter. All participating students will earn House Points, and the best entries will be selected to be displayed around the school. More information about the competitions can be found here: Healthy Eating Competitions 


Ms Selina - Health and Wellbeing Coordinator


Nursery Rhyme Week is Here!

Students enjoyed the first day of Nursery Rhyme week by sharing rhymes, singing songs and playing instruments in the Nursery Rhyme tent, in the new Green Space that opened on Friday. The rest of the week will see different teachers go and share songs and rhymes in the tent so that even more students can sing along and enjoy in the morning!

Fruit Tasting in Year 5

Year 5 students have been looking forward to lots of fruit tasting as part of their Design lesson on making fruit smoothies. The students try different combinations of fruit mixed together to see which ones taste the best as this will inform them on which fruits to choose when creating their own smoothies. Hopefully, very soon, ingredients will be decided upon, instructions written and smoothies made!! Yummy!


Foundation Stage Moths are Released


The Foundation Stage students have released their Oleander Moths after seeing them hatch from their cocoon. They have studied their life cycles over the last few weeks, watched the caterpillars grow, cocoon themselves and then hatch into beautiful moths. What a fantastic learning experience for all these students! 

Upcoming Competitions