Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
31 October, 2022

High School: Residential T-Shirt, International Award Adventurous Journey, and International Day Reflections

High School: Residential T-Shirt, International Award Adventurous Journey, and International Day Reflections

Congratulations to the Residential T-Shirt Competition winners for each year Group, whose winning designs are shown above. Early next term they will see their whole Year Group wearing their designs!


The winning designers are:


Year 7: Anjalika (7a)

Year 8: Alicia & Grace (8g)

Year 9: Rio (9a)

Year 10: Proud (10b)

Year 12: Matthew, Siddharth & Taya (Sk)


We are all really looking forward to having Residentials again. Residential Week is a very important part of the High School curriculum, with all Year Groups enjoying a wide range of activities and opportunities for personal and social development and to build relationships with both their peers and their teachers.


All registration and payment for this year's Residential Trips will be via the new Residential Trips section on Moodle, with a deadline of Monday 14th November. Please contact your son/daughter's Head of Year if you have any questions.

International Award Adventurous Journey Reflections


While most students have not been on a Residential for two years, our Bronze and Silver International Award students were on their Adventurous Journeys only two weeks’ ago, as mentioned in last week’s Newsletter. This week, each group of students shares their reflections:


The International Award Adventurous Journey was exhausting but enjoyable. Our time there consisted of unique experiences and wonderful learning opportunities that you would not be able to find elsewhere. We made our way through the rubber farm and were able to observe the way of life of the rubber tappers - it is a very interesting occupation that should be preserved. We were also accompanied by friendly dogs and one Husky tour guide, who joined us for the last 7 km of our practice journey.


Team Chaotic Neutral (Silver Award) - Khing, Nunu, Pin and Yunjung (Year 12)


As a group, we all really enjoyed it and got along well together without any in-fighting. We took longer on the first day as we took the 'scenic route', adding on an extra 11km, but it was still really enjoyable and we did not lose morale. Collectively, we worked well together and divided our job roles evenly, rotating roles every 1 km during the day. It was challenging going up steep hills, but rewarding when we reached the top of them. The scenery was really nice and it was also really nice that we shared this experience together. I believe it taught us valuable skills and gave us a challenge that we could work on together, which was enjoyable to take part in and accomplish. I would highly recommend this as it has so many benefits - no-one in our team had a bad experience.


Team Brainstorm (Bronze Award) - Alice, Iga, Jack, Seymur (Year 11), Harry and Vi (Year 12)


Overall we think that the trip was incredibly fun. We started the trip by knowing each other as acquaintances rather than best friends, but by the end of the trip we had become best friends. Getting there was amazing - it was one of the best experiences of our lives. While we were there we gradually began to understand how to find our way around, and it became relatively easy not to get lost, but we somehow managed to both misscount the steps and go the completely wrong way. No-one in our group got sleep because of Siwoo’s snoring...


Team Gower (Bronze Award) - Angelina, Chatcha, Kate, Lewis, Siwoo, Rehanna & Yuna (Year 11)


The experience gained from the journey of five days was undoubtedly like no other and once in a lifetime experience. As a group, we all enjoyed the ups and downs like getting lost for 6km, as it made us stronger as a team and made us closer to each other. Therefore, it is safe to say that this journey definitely taught us to forgive and trust each other more as a group. We had a chance to experience wildlife at its finest, whether it was the beautiful sceneries or the insects we encountered along the way. In our eyes, it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of our lives.


Team TBH (Bronze Award) - Bryan, Lalasa, Sammy & Taewon (Year 11)

International Day Reflections

This week’s STA News featured International Day, and this week we also feature the first of our Senior Studies Media Team’s reports on the day:

Students Experience World Culture during International Day

Year 8 students from STA High School engaged in an exchange of cultures on the 21st of October during International Day. They enjoyed various activities involving different countries from all over the world. The students participated in events to expand their knowledge of different cultures and languages, as a way of immersing themselves in STA’s International culture.


Several Year 8 students and one teacher were interviewed about their experiences with this year's International Day. Overall, they agreed that International Day is a great way to celebrate cultures, differences and nationalities. One student mentioned “It’s nice to be reminded of other countries when you are so focused on your own.”


Madame Malak, one of the teachers, explained that one of the activities they had done used traditional writing techniques from two different cultures: Egypt and Japan. Students understood that the importance of this activity was to be made aware of the cultural significance of traditional tools, and this knowledge helped the students realise how diversity contributes to human development. According to the students, this also allowed them to develop new skills and discover different traditions. 


Alexia (Si) & Chloe (Sp)

STA Community Comes Together For Olympics and more

On 21.10.2022, the STA Senior Studies community came together to celebrate International Day. This event, which was created to celebrate the fantastic diversity within our community, brought together students from all backgrounds. After three years of COVID, the St Andrews community replicated the incredible Olympic events, giving the Seniors the opportunity to participate in a series of sport events, including football, volleyball, table tennis and basketball. While the majority of the community was busy participating in the games, other groups of students recorded the atmosphere of the day through a series of interviews. 

The students that participated in the volleyball activities expressed their opinions on a series of questions. The majority of players showed their adoration of the sport, describing it as a meaningful and rewarding experience. It appeared that most players were involved in the sports for the physical activity, and less for the historical context. However, one basketball player was able to display great knowledge regarding her sport: “James Naismith was the person who invented basketball. Originally, basketball was not as it is now, as it mostly resembled netball, especially as players were not allowed to dribble the ball”.

The interviewees conveyed their feelings regarding International Day, especially after the long hiatus. Most responded with positive feelings towards the activities of the day, and expressed their relief and gratefulness for the normality of the day, following three years of lockdown.

The school hopes that this set of activities taught the students the value of good sportsmanship. Even though it was one of the most awaited sports competitions within St. Andrews, all students shared their support for all players regardless of their opponent and team’s standing. Whatever the outcome, players were happy with their wonderful performances.

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Dancing has always been a staple tradition in St Andrews’ International Day celebrations. Every year, Year 13 students come together to choreograph and perform a dance inspired by Indian cultures. This year, Venesa Dawsani took it upon herself to take the lead of this dance. Venesa has been dancing since she was just three years old, and has developed a passion for the craft. She points out that it is “important to embrace, empower and celebrate all the cultures represented at St Andrews.” This is why International Day is so meaningful to the St Andrews community, and Indian Dance is an activity that embodies the spirit on International Day.

Lead writers: Sasha (Sn) & Raz (Sg)

Additional reporting: Beatrice (So), Emme (Sc), Giorgia (Sm) & Sali (Sl)


The Giving Tree

Our Year 12 CAS students would like to invite you to participate in our Annual Christmas Charity Appeal in association with The Giving Tree, an organisation which collects a donation of Christmas gift bags for Karen children living in the North Thailand Mountains (Tha Song Yang District).


These children live among less privileged families and communities and each year these gift bags - sent from you - bring the children great joy!


There are now only a few gift bags still available - please sign up using this Google Form.

You can view all the School's live Google Calendars, and add our calendars to your personal Google Calendar, via Moodle.


Mr Roo
Head of High School