Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
29 September, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: Art Challenge, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, House Assemblies and The 1st Student Council meeting

Primary and Foundation Stage: Art Challenge, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, House Assemblies and The 1st Student Council meeting DSC06772

Primary School International Day is just around the corner! And everyone is looking forward to the upcoming parent workshop and the return of the House Assemblies.

Primary School Art Challenge

With the 7 October Primary School International Day just around the corner, we are holding a Primary School Art Challenge! How can you show the beauty of your country through your artwork? Perhaps you could paint someone wearing your national costume? House points will be awarded for each entry. Additional House points are up for grabs for winning entries! Please send all entries to R45 (Mr Graeme’s classroom) before the end of the day on Wednesday 5th October. Thank you.

Mr Graeme

Year 1 are learning all about their senses

This Term, the Year 1 children have been learning about the 5 senses. We have been busy exploring our different senses by going on listening walks, watching science experiments and this week tasting some delicious fruits. 

We started the week off by reading one of our favourite stories - The Very Hungry Caterpillar! The children learnt how to order the days of the week and wrote some fantastic sentences retelling what the caterpillar had eaten. We then wanted to explore our sense of taste and tried a variety of fruits. When trying them, the children used words like sour, bitter, sweet, crunchy and juicy. 

We had great fun and we all enjoyed watching our friend’s faces - especially when they were trying the sour lemon!

Ms Jess Year 1 Leader


FS3 continue their professions topic

The students in FS3 have been participating in activities that teach them about their community and the various occupations held by their parents. Over the course of the past few weeks, we have extended invitations to parents to come in and speak with the children about their careers. Among them, we have had parents who work as pilots, doctors, diving instructors, book publishers, journalists, bakers, and just last week, Ms Kate came to talk to us about her job as a school counsellor as well.

It has been such a pleasure to be able to welcome back the parents into the classrooms, and we are looking forward to spending more time with them over the next couple of weeks as we participate in our International Fortnight and learn about the children's diverse cultural backgrounds.

Ms Pepa FS3 Leader


House Assemblies Return!

Friday saw the return of the House Assemblies to the Primary School. Our 4 House Leaders, Ms Gemma, Mr Andy, Ms Pam and Mr Sam introduced all the students to the House System and told them all how they could take part in events each week to represent their house. They also let the students know that they could become a House Leader for their Year Group! Any students interested in representing their House will get the chance to tell the other House members why they would be a good leader, there then will be a vote to see who will be the House Leaders this year. Good Luck Everyone!


Student Council Up and Running

The Student Council had their first meeting last week, which was a great success. The members discussed the importance of working together with each other and across the whole school to help make the school a happier, safer place and to improve the wellbeing of all students. They had lots of ideas to share! 

Our Student Council members are also known as ‘Listening Ears’ and next on their agenda is Listening & Advice Training to help them in this important role. They will learn how they can advise and support other students across the school who will be able to approach them for help if they have any problems. 

Look out for students wearing their Student Council badges.

Ms Selina, Student Wellbeing Coordinator

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1st Session: Tuesday 4th October 2022

2nd Session: Tuesday 25th October 2022

3rd Session: Tuesday 22nd November 2022

8:15 am - 10:00 am

Exam Room, Primary School


These workshops will help parents identify the three meta skills that will focus on building, maintaining and repairing your connection with your child. The first workshop focuses on the skill CONNECT and looks at what it takes to create a lifelong bond with your child. It will also throw light on parenting pitfalls that we get trapped into which can inhibit this bond.


Open to all STA Parents (Primary & High School)

Cost: 650 baht for all 3 sessions - Register

Primary and Foundation Stage: Art Challenge, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, House Assemblies and The 1st Student Council meeting - primary-and-foundation-stage-art-challenge

For more information please contact:


A note from our Nursing Team


To provide a safe and healthy environment for our students, it is required that every child attending St Andrews International School, Bangkok has a complete and up to date medical information sheet. 


This enables us to provide the best medical care for your child should the need arise. The completion of this form is mandatory and is required to enable your child to attend school.


Even if your child’s medical status has not changed, it is important that you complete the form to consent to first aid, medical treatment and to confirm your emergency contact details.


This information can easily be updated via the Health app in Moodle or via this LINK.


Primary and Foundation Stage: Art Challenge, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, House Assemblies and The 1st Student Council meeting - primary-and-foundation-stage-art-challenge


There are 3 simple steps to steps follow:


  1. Check that the auto-populated information for your child is correct 

  2. Update vaccination/allergy and medical conditions 

  3. Update consent for the administration of medication 


The contents and use of this form will be treated as Confidential and is overseen by our nursing teams. This information will only be made available to Government or private medical or paramedical staff and relevant St Andrews staff members in the event of an accident or emergency. 


Should you have any questions and wish to contact our nurses directly, you can email them at:


High School:

Primary School: