Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
23 March, 2022

Primary and Foundation Stage: So much is happening!

Primary and Foundation Stage: So much is happening! Learn more about our Busking Week, Wonderful Writers, FS3 Kite Flying, Math and English Competitions Galore, Elephant Art Auctions and so much more. 21March22HeroimagePS

Learn more about our Busking Week, Wonderful Writers, FS3 Kite Flying, Math and English Competitions, Elephant Art Auctions and so much more below.

Busking Week

Monday saw the start of Busking Week. The Teachers and Office Staff took the lead at breaktime by showing off their talents in a variety of ways. There was juggling, music, singing, card tricks and even a snake charmer! The students loved going round the different buskers and enjoying all that was on offer. For the rest of the week it will be the turn of the students to entertain. Good luck everyone. All proceeds will go to the various House Charities.

What wonderful writers we have at STA

Several of the Key Stage 2 teachers (Years 3-6), as well as myself, Mr Geoff and Mr Steve met last Wednesday to discuss all the entries for the FOBISIA writing competition. We were all so impressed with the standard of the work that was handed in, and we found it difficult to decide on the two pieces (one for Years 3 & 4 and one for Years 5 & 6) we would send off for the final judging against other FOBISIA schools.

We decided to choose our Top 3 for each category. Here are the winners and links to their stories for you to enjoy:

Years 3 & 4
1st place - Taili 4J 
2nd place - Ten 4P
3rd place - Hana 3J 

 Years 5 & 6
1st place - Emma 5L
2nd place - Maya 6R and Prasanna 5S
3rd place - Nice 5G

ALL children who sent in an entry received 2 house points.

3rd place - + 10 hps, a certificate and a badge

2nd place - + 15 hps, a certificate and a badge

1st place - + 20 hps, a certificate and a badge, and they will have the chance for their work to be published in FOBISIA's termly magazine - THE FOBISIAN.

The entries will be judged by the award-winning children's author Ruth Eastham.

Well done to all children who took part this year. Congratulations to Emma and Taili and to all our winners too. You should be very proud. 

Word Mania Competition Round Begins!

Over the last few weeks, Years 1-6 children have been having so much fun practising their word-building skills playing Word Mania.

This week, the competition round begins, and the children will play Word Mania against other schools around the world.


Starts: Monday 21st March (7:00 am Thailand time)

Finishes: Saturday 26th March (6:59am Thailand time)


 If your child does not have their login details, please email their class teacher.

Please encourage your child/children to play Word Mania this week. 

FS3 fly a Kite

FS3 students have learned about Thai letters and the initial sound of the letters. We have learned the letter wor (ว). The initial sound of the letter wor links to many words e.g. wor wing (wing is run), wor wai nam (wai nam is swimming). This week we have made a kite (wor wow - wow in Thai is kite.) 

Some interesting facts about Thai kites: Wow is one kind of handmade Thai toy in the olden days. The children in the olden days would find the materials from nature to make their own kite. (tissue paper, bamboo stick, string etc). Thai kites have different names and shapes e.g. snake kite ( wow ngoo shaped like a snake), wow chula (shaped like a star). The one in the photos is called wow pak-pao. Thai people play kites during March and April because there are lots of strong winds called lom-ta-pao. This wind comes in the right time and the right direction on land so it's the perfect time to let the kite go up in the air. 

You can find out more info about kite flying in Thailand here

Primary Read-a-thon

Thank you to all the children who read so many books during our read-a-thon during book week.  So far we have made over 30,000 baht for the charity we are supporting. This week will be the last week to get your money into school and then we will send it off to the always reading caravan foundation.  The money will go towards a book charity based in Thailand called The Bookworm Foundation. Please use the link on your Moodle page to make the donation.

Rest of the World Rocks! 

STA Primary (Year 2-6) we will be taking part in a friendly competition involving schools from around the world from Monday 21st March 2022 to Wednesday 23rd March 2022. It’s all done online via

For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. 

The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average. 

All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count, but only from games played between 12AM UK time on Monday 21st March and 11:59PM UK time on Wednesday 23rd March.

There is a daily time limit of 60 minutes per player per day to support player well-being.

In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60 minutes on each day of the competition. Once the player goes beyond 60 minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition.

Please encourage and support them. We suggest a limit of half an hour a day outside school hours – some will play more, some will play less.

Good Luck STA Primary!

Primary prepare for the Elephant Art Charity Auction

Over the last few weeks, classes in Primary have created wonderful Elephant Art. This collaborative Art will be auctioned off in April to raise money for the Elephant Sanctuary mentioned in last week’s Newsletter. Please read the article here to find out more about the great work of the Elephant Sanctuary and details of the Art Auction.