Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
26 October, 2021

Primary and Foundation Stage: Reflection on our VSE curriculum and looking forward!

25 Oct 21 Page Link ImagePrimary School
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I know this has been said many times before but all the staff at St Andrews thank the parents for their incredible support in helping the teachers deliver home learning in such an enriching way, it really has been a great effort.
Mr Geoff
Ms Diane and Mr Steve
Primary and Foundation Stage: Reflection on our VSE curriculum and looking forward! Our Estates Team learn Makaton ready for on-campus learning. On Monday, we welcomed new students to Primary, as we look forward to seeing everyone else back in School! Finally, we reflect on our VSE curriculum made possible by the outstanding efforts of all in our community, teachers, parents, and students. Primary School 25 Oct 21

Our Estates Team learn Makaton ready for on-campus learning. On Monday, we welcomed new students to Primary, as we look forward to seeing everyone else back in School! Finally, we reflect on our VSE curriculum made possible by the outstanding efforts of all in our community, teachers, parents, and students.

Training for our Estates Team, Reflection on our VSE curriculum and Looking Forward

This week saw our dedicated Teaching Assistants, led by Khun Goi, begin training our Estates Team that work with the Foundation Stage students, in the sign language of Makaton. Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. The training will continue for a few more weeks and will mean the team can use the signs to communicate with the students to support them.

VSE Reflection

As we look to open the school gates to students for the first time this term we can take a moment to think of all the fantastic work they have achieved over the last few months whilst working in the VSE model. From using household items to make amazing pieces of art and design to using their own, newly formed, study skills to find out about all the different topics they have been covering, the students have shown incredible resilience, patience, humour and dedication through this difficult part of their school lives. They are not the first generation to experience difficulties and hardships of course but they are the first to be able to carry with their studies in such a comprehensive way. 

This has been made possible by the outstanding efforts of all in our community teachers, parents and students. I truly believe that this experience will have made us stronger as a community and when we hopefully see each other in the coming weeks and begin to build face to face relationships again, these strengths will support us in reshaping our school into a place that is full of the sounds of students and teachers again and what a wonderful sound that will be. 

I know parenting and work never seem to stop but if your child is at school sometime next week and you find yourself childfree, please take a moment for yourselves!

Looking Forward

I’m sure you will have received much information from your child’s teacher and the main school office regarding the arrangements for next week and I’m sure there is a mixture of excitement and nervousness about physically coming back to school for your child. For the past weeks and months, the school has been preparing for a safe reopening of our facilities. Last week the Estates Team had extensive run-throughs of the beginning and end of the day and what the school set up would look like. It is great that each day next week we will have just a few year groups in school at a time so everyone gets to know the new routines before we are all back together. The teachers at St Andrews are so excited to finally have the students back in school with us and have been preparing for this time for a very long time now. We can all look forward to a brighter future!

Welcome to New Students

Today we were able to invite the new students and their parents into school to get a chance to meet their teachers and see their classrooms before the rest of the school comes in later this week. It was so fantastic to see so many children in and eager to learn. We can not wait for the rest of the students to join us face to face!!

Medical Update

To enable our nursing team to provide medical care for your child, it is vital that we have up to date medical details and your consent for treatment and the administration of medicines.

As we now will be having students on campus, all parents must complete this information via the Health app in Moodle.