Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
17 October, 2018

Primary School Library: Internationally minded

World map
Primary School Library: Internationally minded The Primary School Library joined in the fun on International Day with many activities revolving around nationalities and foreign countries.

The Primary School Library joined in the fun on International Day with many activities revolving around nationalities and foreign countries.

International Day - 12th October

Our creative activity this week was making flags and we also had a big world map where students and staff could mark their home country and city with a colourful star sticker. Can you guess which country had the most stickers? Yes - Thailand, Bangkok in particular, was the clear winner. We were especially impressed with how well everyone was able to locate their home country and city on the map!

We also created a display of books about different countries around the world with some toy dolls in traditional costumes. Thanks to Ms Sara for lending us these!

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And of course the day would not have been complete without some beautiful costumes and wonderful food. Thank you to the PTG, parents and everyone for making this a fantastic fun day of celebration which we all enjoy each year.


Library books loan & renewal period extended to 3 weeks over the half term break

You may notice that books taken out or renewed during the past week have an extended loan/ renewal date of 3 weeks to cover the half term break. We hope everyone will find this helpful with no need to worry about overdue books. We will then revert to the normal 2 week loan period.

Creative table activity - week 9 - ‘write a book review’

For the final week of this half term we are encouraging students to share what they love about a favourite book or a book they have recently read. We have some ‘easy to use’ templates for all age groups and will be giving 2 house points to everyone who takes part and adding them to our ongoing display in the library. We’re looking forward to reading as many great reviews as possible!

Creative table Week 9

Books of the Week

Our final selection of 'Books of the Week' for this half term includes the first books in both 'The Uncommoners' and 'Little Legends' series. Come and get them from the library for fun holiday reading. Happy holidays everyone!

Books of Week  Week 9

Our NEW library monitors are settling in well

Our St Andrews International School Bangkok library monitors are settling into their duties very well and learning how to use the library management system and re-shelve books. We took the opportunity to interview Valentin and Nico to get their own thoughts on what they like best about being a library monitor and what they like least….

Valentin: “I just love it! I learn a lot. Where to put books and how the library keeps tidy. It’s just like real work. The only thing I don’t like is if people shout.”


Nico: “It’s pretty fun! I like scanning books out the best. I don’t like having to tell people off because they’re doing the wrong thing.”

Here are 4 of our monitors showing us how it’s done….


Please bring in your books for our used books sale - 26th to 30th November

Our next Book Fair & Used Books Sale will take place simultaneously throughout the week commencing 26th November and so we invite you all to please start letting us have any books you may no longer have a use for - in good condition please! - for the sale. We will have Kinokuniya here with a wide variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction, providing lots of interesting material for all ages. As usual we will receive a commission from Kinokuniya on all items sold which we will use to buy more NEW books for the library. We will donate the sale proceeds from the used books sale to a local charity in Bangkok details to be confirmed.

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