Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
08 October, 2018

Key Stage 2: An ancient civilisation celebrated

Key Stage 2: An ancient civilisation celebrated Year 6 students enjoyed Aztec day filled with activities, games, and student-prepared food. Other students joined the Poetry Slam at the High School. _MG_2203HERO

Year 6 students enjoyed Aztec day filled with activities, games, and student-prepared food. Other students joined the Poetry Slam at the High School.

Y6 Aztec Day

Last Wednesday, Year 6 had its annual Aztec day which was a great success. It was a busy and fun-packed day, and all of the fantastic outfits really helped to make it all the more special. There were a range of activities that provided opportunities to try new things, show off existing skills and work together as a team. We were really impressed at how sensible all of the children were when preparing and cooking the delicious Aztec treats. As always, eating and reviewing the food was one of the highlights of the day; all of the teachers and pupils enjoyed tasting the Aztec themed food and washing it down with an ice cold pineapple shake or glass of chocolatl was perfect.

In the Aztec sports activity, high levels of teamwork and communication were shown and all of the teams did a great job of participating in a rather challenging version of basketball/volleyball/football, with the extra bonus of the losing team not having to be sacrificed to the gods!

This year we also had an Aztec escape room activity, and although some of the clues were quite tricky, everyone survived the challenge. A big thank you to all of the parents for helping the children with their costumes and Aztec projects, as well as the maids, LSAs and those parents that were able to help out on the day.

  • My favorite thing about Aztec day was the escape room. We got to solve a mystery and find clues. - Tannie 6T

  • My favorite part of Aztec day was when we got to cook. The salsa we made was delicious and very spicy! - Chahna 6T

  • Aztec Day was amazing with my friends. We got to wear Aztec dresses and eat Aztecs food, it was like I was in Tenochtitlan.  - Loi 6T

  • I really enjoyed making the food and eating it - Dul 6M

  • My favourite part was making and taste-testing the food. It was really delicious. - Fiji 6R

  • "I liked to see all the projects and costumes" Fred 6F

  • "The food was extraordinary - I really enjoyed making it" - Liam 6S

  • " Tlachtli!!! The ball game was very fun - I won so didn't need to get sacrificed!" Ich 6S

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Y6 @ Poetry Slam 2018

Last Thursday morning, Year 6 were invited over to High School to participate in a Poetry Slam competition with Year 7.

A slam is simply reciting the poem with a little charisma, charm and production value, so as to engage the audience.  

This is the first time we have joined in this event, and it proved to be a real success! The theme was 'All About Me.'

After a few weeks of analysing, reading, creating and practising reading poems aloud to an audience, each Year 6 class chose one person’s poem to be their finalist. This was an onerous task, as all the children had worked so hard on creating their individual poems. The finalists from Years 6 & 7 each performed their poem in front of the other children over at the main event which took place in the High School Auditorium. The judging panel was made up of students from both year groups. We were extremely pleased with all the performances- the children should be so proud of themselves. After some difficult deliberating by the judges, they decided that Alesha (6L) was the runner up for the year group, and she received a book voucher for 200B. The overall Year 6 winner was...AJ (6G), who received a 500B book voucher. Well done to all of Year 6 poets for their hard work in composing their poems.

International Day is here!

This Friday is our International Day in KS2. This amazing celebration of the diversity of our school community is not to be missed. Two assemblies will start the day, before the children head off around the globe on a carousel of three activities prepared by some of the teachers from their year group. Here is an outline of the day:

  • 8.30 am Y1-Y3 Assembly featuring music and dance items directed by the teachers - Sports Hall

  • 9.10 am Y4-Y6 Assembly featuring music and dance items directed by the teachers - Sports Hall

  • 10.00 am Cultural Show presented by students and parents - Y6 Quad

  • 12.10 pm International Food Hall opens for Y3 & Y4

  • 12.30 pm International Food Hall opens for Y5 & Y6

Getting There

Please use our Shuttle bus options on International Day as parking will be very limited and we anticipate a big turn-out. Shuttle services will run as usual from Max Value and Gateway BTS. We will add more buses to the service to cope with the higher demand.

Cars will not be allowed to park anywhere on the roads around Soi 20 and there will be police regulating the traffic flow and clamping vehicles illegally parked.

Give yourselves a little extra time to get to school on Friday, relax and make use of the Park and Ride facility.

Mindful Friday

Here are the children in action from last Friday’s Mindful Friday session in the Sports Hall. Mrs Jo led us all through some yoga poses to help relax our minds and bodies. There was a lovely sense of calm in the space and once finished, everyone headed back to class invigorated and ready to learn.
