Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
09 October, 2017

Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: A glimpse into the past

US girl
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: A glimpse into the past Y2 students visited the Ancient City...The first KS1 reading workshop was held last week... Find out more about our plans for International Day. Inter Day Girls posing

Y2 Trip to the Ancient City

On Friday 6th October, Year 2 spent a very interesting and somewhat eventful day at the Ancient City.  As part of our topic on 'Wonders of the World' the children were very much looking forward to seeing and learning more about the wonders of Thailand.  First all of the children embarked on a tram ride, taking in different buildings, monuments, temples and palaces from all over Thailand.  The children were very observant of the building details and the trams were full of appreciative 'oohs' and 'ahhs' as the journey unfolded.

After the tram ride, we stopped at the Grand Palace of Ayutthaya for a closer look. Little did we know, it was going to be a welcome shelter from an impending storm. As we climbed the steps, some of the children felt a few spots of rain and by the time we had reached the top, it was a torrential downpour!  The rain became so heavy that all of the doors and shutters were closed and we were very grateful to be somewhere dry as thunder rumbled around us!

Whilst we were in the palace, despite the wind and the rain, all of the children were incredibly well behaved. Many took to looking more closely at the ornate features and beautiful artwork inside the palace. Even sitting in quiet groups, drawing and sketching their observations.

Unfortunately for the teachers, as a result of all the rain, a few children became desperate for the toilet. This left us no choice, but to make a run for it through ever rising waters. Some children even spotted fish, tadpoles and a flip flop floating away through the torrent of water!  Just as we were beginning to think that the rain was never going to stop, the sun began to emerge and the rain eased. This allowed a procession of children to make it back to the trams and then on to a welcome dry room for our lunch.

I don't think it will be a day many of us will forget in a hurry!

All of the teachers would like to thank the children for their excellent behaviour and all of the parent helpers for their time and for helping make the day enjoyable for all.

Boys posing at temple Boys on trip

KS1 Reading Meeting

On Friday we held a well attended reading workshop - with a main focus on the teaching of reading in Years 1 & 2. The resources from the meeting are available on Moodle. Log into Moodle and on the Homepage you will see of the right a link to Parents Workshops. Presentations will be uploaded there for your reference until they are updated when we next run the workshop.

International Day Activities

Families who have been with us for some time will know that one of the annual highlights on our calendar is International Day.  This is an opportunity to celebrate together and find out more about the countries and cultures of our classmates.  Friday 10th November is  the culmination of our International Celebrations but we have a week or two with a global focus. As well as parents contributing to our International Food Hall, there are usually lots of opportunities for you to get involved in the life of the classroom - parents sometimes come in to talk about their countries, read traditional stories, teach dances or show the children some games or crafts. Contact class teachers and Yearleaders if this is something you might like to do.

Hula Dance Indian dance Tonga dance

International Day Parade

Friday 10th November is the “Big Day” in the Primary School.  This is the day when we dress up in National Costumes and enjoy the International Food Hall.  Please send your child to school on this day in a costume that reflects where their family is from.  It can be as simple as wearing the colours of their country flag, or an elaborate National Dress - in which case pack shorts and T-shirt for later in the day.

sta floating market chocolate balls satay chicken