Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 April, 2017

Communication Through the Ages

Communication Through the Ages - communication-through-the-ages
Communication Through the Ages

Have you ever found yourself wondering how communication has changed over time?  Even with the latest technology, it had to start somewhere. Year Four are currently investigating how Communication through the Ages has changed and developed over time.

Communication Through the Ages Have you ever found yourself wondering how communication has changed over time? Even with the latest technology, it had to start somewhere. Year Four are currently investigating how Communication through the Ages has changed and developed over time.

Have you ever found yourself wondering how communication has changed over time?  Even with the latest technology, it had to start somewhere. Year Four are currently investigating how Communication through the Ages has changed and developed over time.

In History we have been investigating time periods.  The children have made posters in pic collage to represent these periods.

We then looked at the main forms of communication and could list them in order of development. Children were able to use their connection finding skills to investigate what time period had the most changes in communication development? How does this compare to the other time periods? And suggest reasons why we think this time period had so many changes?  

In the next few weeks we will use our Be Ambitious Thinking skills to think in different ways to predict what communication may look like in the future. 

In English Year 4 found out that William Shakespeare is responsible for much of the spoken words we use today. We are currently studying one of his plays - A Mid-Summers Night Dream.

Over the past few weeks we have analysed the structure, themes and characters. The children have really enjoyed acting out parts of the story and currently the children are writing their own play scripts for a scene in the story.


By Jo-Ann Hall

 Year 4 Cranes Class Teacher