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Teacher Talk
David Sheehan, head of pastoral care at Nord Anglia International School Hong Kong shares why he loves his job and why teaching students core values in the classroom is just as important as developing key skills.
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News image Curiosity_HERO Blog | blog | School Blog
Curious minds in high demand
Promoting curiosity and exploration is crucial to help achieve more effective problem solving. Schools can play a part in developing these qualities in young people through inquiry-based learning
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News image IMAGE1 3 Blog | blog | School Blog
Being in the discomfort zone
Challenging situations can provide an opportunity for us to change and grow, David Wall, head of Nord Anglia Education’s global expedition program, says.
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News image GG_Image2 Blog | blog | School Blog
Record turnout for Americas Global Games show students ready to bring their A game
It’s game on at our America schools as students get ready to compete in this year’s Global Games
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News image boarding Blog | blog | Featured | School Blog
How can we future proof education so students can handle what tomorrow will bring?
Nord Anglia’s Education’s (NAE) Director Andy Puttock says schools have shifted from being transmitters of knowledge to becoming environments for students to develop the skills and qualities needed to thrive in the future, and keep pace in a rapidly changing world
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News image Elise Ecoff V1 Blog | blog | School Blog
Back to School
There's nothing like the first day of school.
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