Boarding Tuition Fees for North Broward Prep School
We understand the value you place on an academic investment and that it is one of the most important and rewarding decisions you will ever make. With our unique, integrated learning model and personalized learning approach, our students graduate with a distinct advantage.
Our simplified tuition structure includes:
- Tuition
- Room
- Board
- Meals
- Health insurance
- Airport Transportation (4-one-way)
- An iPad and e-books
- After-school activities and weekend activities.
- Trips (Thanksgiving/Spring Break)
- Uniforms (New Students)
- SIM card
- Yearbook
Tuition & Fees 2025–2026
Boarding 2025-2026 | Fee Amount |
Tuition & Boarding | $83,450 |
Student fee | $6,500 |
Total cost | $89,950 |
Fall or Spring Semester only | Fee Amount |
Tuition & Boarding | $50,070 |
Student fee | $6,500 |
Total cost | $56,570 |
5-day Boarding | Fee Amount |
Tuition & Boarding | $79,440 |
Student fee | $6,500 |
Total cost | $85,940 |
Lighthouse Point Academy is additional. Please contact us for details.