Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 September, 2024

Primary Campus Weekly Update

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

It was great to see so many parents attend our after-school Curriculum Meetings where Heads of Year and Teachers shared what is ahead for our children…

A critical part of that is the experiential learning opportunities that we provide here at NAIS Hong Kong which supports children’s development. Only last week we were thrilled that our Year 1 and Year 2 children had the opportunity to attend The Gruffalo, which was a huge success as it was linked to learning that was happening in lessons. Not only did we create meaningful links to learning but the children also had the chance to attend a live theater show, the first time for many of them, and become a receptive, respectful and enraptured audience.

Primary Campus Weekly Update - Primary Campus Weekly Update

This week, we have pre-residential meetings for parents of children in Year 3 and Year 4 as they will be taking part in overnight trips in the local area. These are excellent opportunities for our children to enact independence and resilience while within the supervision and comfort of our school pastoral teams. On these residential trips, the children build a strong sense of community and connection within their year group and begin to challenge themselves in ways that they may not at home.

Both opportunities are unique in that our children are challenged by unfamiliar settings, new expectations and the thrill of trying something new but within the comfort of familiarity. Our curriculum based experiential learning events are the basis of many strong memories of our children’s time in school; often memories that will extend way beyond the school gates and their time at school.

Therefore, I would encourage all parents to nudge their children when it comes to trying experiential learning in school, in all its guises; residentials and school trips really do help our children to develop so much more than we can imagine.

I do hope that our families have a great week ahead,

Take care,

Stephen Sharma
Head of Primary