Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
31 August, 2020

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal - message-from-the-principal
Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

I hope you have been able to enjoy the good weather this week.  We have been very aware of the heat and have modified our activity accordingly, as whilst COVID-19 regulations are at the forefront of our mind, we must still be aware of keeping our children safe and well under all circumstances.
We have pressed on with planning, reflecting and reviewing as the year has started.  Two of our overseas teachers have landed in China, with another 8 due to return next week. Our HR team continues to work diligently on enabling all of our colleagues to return.  The Leadership Team are listening to your feedback as well, and have made slight modifications to our program based on that information.  We expect to see a difference in Maths in the MYP from Monday for example, and we have made one or two minor timetable alterations to benefit the learning experience.  

I enjoyed watching the Primary assemblies this morning.  The second Lower Primary assembly was a mix of celebration and singing led by our Lower Primary Coordinator, Ms. Ali, highlighting the great work that has been going on in classes and awarding certificates for Stars of the Week in Years 1 to 3.  In 1A, Angela Lin has been a good friend to everyone, in 1B Doris Wang was a truly great listener, in Year 2 Ashley Zhang has been an excellent role model and in Year 3 Jasmine Liu has been a thoughtful and respectful learner.  Well done to those children for their efforts this week!  I am excited to see who can be a star next week.
The first Upper Primary assembly set the students up for the year as Mr. McCarthy reviewed our COVID guidance and discussed expectations.  Next week the first student-led assembly will take place, whereby each week each year group will have an opportunity to showcase what they have been learning.  I can’t wait.
Have great weekend.

Tom Ferguson