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The International School of Moscow
21 June, 2024

Time management skills for students: Making the most of every opportunity


The day in a life of a student at the International School of Moscow (ISM) is filled with activities, which means that time is often precious. With so much going on each day – from lessons and coursework to extra-curricular clubs and social activities – we know how important it is to help our young people effectively manage their time.

The importance of time management for students

Time management plays an important role in our students’ day-to-day lives.

Research shows that young people who can effectively manage their time perform better academically. In fact, a University of Pennsylvania study found that self-discipline – the driving force behind time management – is a better predictor of teenagers’ academic performance than intelligence.

Students who are good at managing their time tend to be more organised, meet more deadlines, and can handle multiple responsibilities simultaneously. They know how to optimise their study time and, ultimately, have more spare time for their hobbies.

Overcoming the obstacles to good time management

Effective time management isn’t without its challenges.

Students often find themselves juggling a variety of tasks, including exam revision, coursework, extra-curricular activities, and maintaining friendships. It can be hard to balance these responsibilities.

Other obstacles include procrastination, digital distractions, and the overwhelming feeling of having too much to do. Our staff work with students to address these challenges, implementing tailored strategies to help them plan their time.

Time management tips for students

So, how do we instil good time management skills in our students?

Like every aspect of the education we offer at ISM, we take a personalised approach. This means finding out what works for each child. Strategies such as goal setting, breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, and using planners can all help a student focus and stay on track.

Time management techniques for students

Alongside the strategies we’ve highlighted above, there are some fundamental things your child can do to improve their time management skills. These suggestions are particularly relevant for older students, especially those studying for exams.

Create a plan

Creating a plan is the first step towards developing successful time management skills in students. Make a list of tasks, class assignments, and activities that need to be completed each day or week. Try to factor in any extra-curricular activities and social events, too. The plan should include breaks or free time to balance workloads.

Prioritise tasks

Once a plan has been created, prioritise the tasks that need to be completed first. This will ensure that important deadlines are met on time. Prioritising also helps to reduce stress, as there is less chance your child will forget about something important.

Avoid distractions

Try to identify any activities or distractions that are affecting your child’s focus and progress. These might include spending too much time on social media, watching television, or chatting with friends. By identifying and limiting these activities, your child will be able to focus their energy on the tasks that need to be completed.

Reward achievements

It’s important that your child rewards themself when they hit a key milestone or complete a task. This could include things like watching an episode of a favourite show, having a snack, or taking a walk after completing an assignment. Doing this will help to keep them motivated and provide something to look forward to throughout their studies.

The benefits of good time management skills for students

From improved wellbeing and reduced stress to increased productivity and more free time, being able to manage time effectively has many benefits.

Reduced stress

Poor time management can lead to procrastination and last-minute cramming, causing stress and anxiety. By planning and organising their time effectively, our students can reduce stress and approach their tasks with a calm and focused mindset.

Increased productivity

When our learners manage their time well, their productivity soars. They can prioritise tasks, set goals, and work efficiently, leading to better academic performance.

Achieving goals

Time management encourages the setting and achievement of goals. Whether it’s completing a piece of coursework, preparing for A-level exams, or learning a musical instrument, effective time management helps our students keep track of their progress and work towards their objectives.

A strong work ethic

Learning to manage time well contributes to the development of a strong work ethic. This can positively impact on how a student approaches challenges, responsibilities, and lifelong learning.

More free time

Proper time management can lead to more free time. By efficiently completing tasks, our students can enjoy their hobbies and socialising without the burden of unfinished homework or revision hanging over them.

Set for future success

Effective time management skills are something our students need for the future. They’re invaluable when it comes to meeting the demands of higher education, work, and life in general.


By mastering the art of time management, our students can achieve a healthy balance between their academic and personal lives. As the research demonstrates, this results in better grades, reduced stress levels, and improved wellbeing.