Observing lessons regularly is a core component of these checks. The teachers are affirmed on the strengths of their lessons, and we also discuss ideas to take them to the next level.
Here are some key things we examine together:
Student Engagement
Part of our core mission is that children are highly engaged with their learning. I like to ‘freeze frame’ lessons in my mind several times, and mentally count the percentage of pupils that are on track and motivated. If a child is drifting off-task, there are several steps a teacher might take to re-inspire them.
When planning a lesson, there are many tools a teacher might use to inspire pupils. Visuals and hands-on tasks can engage children with different learning styles and needs. Giving children different ways to give answers – such as partner talk or writing on individual whiteboards – can also keep children more active than relying totally on putting hands-up.
With our younger pupils, it takes a lot of creativity to keep everyone engaged. A great lesson might involve movement, switching between tasks or working in small groups from the get-go. Thoughtful and exciting learning activities ready around the classroom, are another way to ensure children are always exploring and growing.
Teacher Actions – Class Atmosphere
At ISM, our teachers are kind and respectful, but still firm and protective of everyone’s right to learn. They have a great grasp on the learning material and know how to present it to young learners. Their voices show enthusiasm for learning, in a way that inspires the children to adopt this sense of excitement too. We particularly love to see teachers coming down to the children’s level frequently, entering their world to guide them.
Overall, the teachers create a secure, nurturing and ambitious environment where every child feels valued and ready to be their best.
Assessment for Learning
Assessment for Learning means the teachers are aware of their students’ levels and plans effectively according to their needs. Outstanding teachers are constantly monitoring for clues that show when a child is ready for higher challenges or needs a bit of extra support. Sometimes they recall this information when planning future lessons, and sometimes they make adjustments in-the-moment.
When we observe a lesson, we check whether the level of tasks and instruction are suitable for the children, and whether there are flexible options to keep all pupils challenged. We also look through books to see if the children were challenged to perform at their best and grow. This helps us keep our promise to tailor the learning to the students’ needs.
Student Progress
Of course, the real evidence lies in the outcome. Exciting lessons, well-pitched to the students’ needs, delivered by caring, ambitious teachers, should result in growth and progress.
Of course, children do not necessarily grow and learn at a constant rate, but experience periods of fast growth followed by consolidation. This is why frequent checks, triangulation with longer-term data and discussions with the teachers are essential as well.
At ISM, we love helping children feel pride in tackling tough challenges and rising to new levels of skill. Every teacher is committed to constantly honing their skills and delivering on our promises to families.