Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 December, 2022

Secondary Showcase Evening


On Thursday 1st December, families from across the ISM community and beyond descended upon our Secondary School for a customary warm welcome and our much-anticipated Secondary Showcase Evening.

Proceedings started in the newly decorated Sixth Study Centre, where light refreshments were enjoyed by all and parents could experience our Sixth Formers' comfortable and stimulating surroundings.

Starting the tour, families tried their hands at some entertaining MFL trivia games, before moving along the corridor to listen to mathematical careers guidance from successful A Level student, Jihyeon Kim. Students had great fun tackling our highly popular logic puzzles to improve their mathematical reasoning skills. 


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On the second floor of C Block, families were enthralled by some of the coding challenges and AI vehicles that students will get to work with while at the school. Across the corridor in Media Studies, students were designing their Christmas cards to celebrate the start of advent and our artists were sketching scenes from a film. The end products were spectacular. In Drama, Mr. Moon led some fun and engaging games, alongside a practical workshop delivered by our IGCSE students. 


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On the first floor, the proceedings continued with very informative Humanities presentations, as well as an introduction to some of the English texts students can expect to enjoy at ISM.

Downstairs, in the Ivan Gromov Gymnasium, visitors worked their teas and biscuits off by participating in some popular ISM sports. Badminton seemed particularly in demand.

A short stroll across the yard to B Block transported guests to our first-class Science laboratories, where a range of practical and exciting experiments amazed all spectators. 


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Over in the specialist Music classrooms, Mr. James Langford's IGCSE students were showing off what they had learned so far this year, and our ambitious ISM Orchestra led by Vadim Kvyatovskiy delighted parents with some highly impressive music and a world class live lesson. 

After a busy and eventful evening, everyone went home happy and certainly with fewer Christmas card to write!