Exceptional results and pass rates - Exceptional results and pass rates

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Exceptional results and pass rates - Exceptional results and pass rates
Collège du Léman
31 August, 2023

Exceptional results and pass rates

Collège du Léman Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations, Class of 2023!

The results of our graduating class of 2023 have once again proven the success of our tailor-made holistic approach: 100% of our students passed both International Baccalaureate courses (IBDP and IBCP); 100% of our students successfully graduated in the Swiss Maturité Diploma and 100% of our students passed the French Baccalauréat. 99% of our students passed the American High School Diploma, and 82% passed the Advanced Placements (compared to 60% globally).


Learn more about our diplomas here.


Collège du Léman Pass Rates 2023


Our IBDP students had a 100% pass rate, with an average score of 34.0 compared to 30.2 worldwide. A case in point is Rei, whose hard work and dedication over the years as a Boarding student, have earned her an incredible 43/45 points in the IB diploma, and the title of class valedictorian and Head Girl in Boarding. Since her first year at Collège du Léman in 2021, Rei has always been a multitalented student who strives for excellence. As she has grown in our Boarding community, she has become a wonderful writer, singer, sculptor, dancer and so much more. During the graduation ceremony, the audience had the chance to listen to her breathtaking performance of Adele’s song “Rolling in the Deep”. Her resilience is truly inspiring and a great reflection of the RISE qualities that we value in our school.


Collège du Léman Graduation Ceremony


100% of our French Baccalaureate students passed successfully, with 91% of students receiving a distinction by the Jury. And among our Baccalaureate graduates, Thomas is also one of our students who embraces excellence. Thomas was awared with the “Félicitations du Jury”, i.e. the highest academic distinction by the Jury. A well-deserved reward for the young man who started Science-Po in Paris.


116 students took the Advanced Placement (APs) exams this year, and 82% passed successfully - compared to the global average of 60%.
62% achieved an excellent score of 4 or 5.


The results for this year once again demonstrate the unwavering dedication and commitment of our exceptional teachers. They have guided our students towards exceptional university placements in the upcoming year.

These include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge University, Stanford University, Oxford University, Harvard University, and on a national level, EPFL, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne and the University of Geneva.


The excellent pass rates across all diplomas are a testament to the dedication of our students to succeed in their respective programmes and to the teachers for their unending engagement and tailor-made support for their students throughout their time at Collège du Léman, particularly in the High School years leading up to these crucial examinations.

We are proud of such brilliant results and wish all our Graduated students all the best for the next chapter of their life!


Collège du Léman Graduation Ceremony


Additionally, at this year’s Nord Anglia Global conference involving representatives from most of the 84 Nord Anglia schools, our school received recognition and awards for excellent exam results. CDL received a prize for the best IGCSE results in Europe, the best Global AP results and the best Global French Bac and Swiss Maturité results.


Mrs Pauline Nord, Director General at Collège du Léman, receiving one of the Prizes from Mr Andrew Fitzmaurice, CEO at Nord Anglia Education


Pauline Nord at NAE SLT Conference

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