Taking part in sport is an important aspect of life at Collège du Léman. We encourage students of all ages and abilities to get moving, find an activity they love, and look after their wellbeing.

Whether they're skiing through the snow or chasing a pass down the wing, your child will experience the joys and growth that come with involvement in sport.

Our location near Geneva means we're within easy reach of both the city and the mountains, and can offer a wide variety of sports and activities for our students. These include badminton, judo, football, basketball, track and field, and rugby. We also offer a range of unique opportunities, including acrobatic gymnastics, skiing, sailing, paddleboarding, and horse riding.


Panthers territory

The College is well known for its successful Panthers basketball team, which has won many competitions against opposition from other Swiss schools. Our women's football team has also secured national titles.

We're members of the following local associations:



Our ski club gives students of all abilities the chance to head into the mountains, develop their skills, and get active.