Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Nord Anglia
09 十二月, 2019

Message from Primary - 9th Dec 2019

Message from Primary - Message from Primary
Message from Primary At this time of year, there are lots of events and student-led activities coming together, which means all members of the school community are very busy.

At this time of year, there are lots of events and student-led activities coming together, which means all members of the school community are very busy.

Here are some key dates ahead for you to be aware of for the final week of term:

Tuesday 10th December (9.00 am): Early Year Christmas Production

Wednesday 11th December: Class Parties in the afternoon

Thursday 12th December (9.15 am): Key Stage 1 Christmas singing assembly

Thursday 12th December: Students and Parents Christmas Lunch

Friday 13th December: Last day of Term 1; students finish at midday


To help with planning, please be aware that children should come to school in uniform on Wednesday, and then children can change into their party clothes at lunchtime, and on Thursday students can come to school in their Christmas Jumper or wearing festive colours (non-school uniform) for the whole day.


A significant event for us on Thursday is the annual Christmas Lunch, and this is where parents are welcome to eat a traditional Christmas Lunch of turkey and vegetables with their child or children in the Hub. This is open to any parents of Year 6 or younger students and, due to large numbers of students, we will be holding two sittings:

Sitting 1 -Thursday 12th December (11:00 am-11:45 am) for Parents of any students in Year 2 or below*

Sitting 2 - Thursday 12th December (11:45 am-12:30 pm) for Parents of any students in Year 3 to 6*

*Please note: if you have children in both age groups, you will all eat at the earlier time


The registration is now closed, so I will be emailing details to parents about what time they will be eating and any other information. The cost of the Christmas Lunch is 45rmb per adult, and this can be paid before or on the day by cash, Alipay or WeChat. The cost of the Lunch for students is covered by their normal lunch fee. For students whose parents cannot attend, they will eat with their teachers. We are looking forward to this special meal together.


Whilst we are busy with events, there are also competitions which are coming to a close. One is the MIT STEAM Photography Competition. Students in Year 6 have taken on the challenge with enthusiasm, applying a creative lens to the task and exploring the scientific concept of ‘Materials and their properties’. Students have made interesting observations, noting variations in structure, appearance and function of the various natural and synthetic materials. 


It has been a term full of learnings and teachers are currently finishing their end of Term 1 Reports. These will be coming home with students on Friday 13th December and will enable you to have an understanding of how they have progressed in all areas of the curriculum. Parent will have an opportunity to talk to teachers about their child after the Christmas holiday when we will be holding Academic Review Evenings during the second week of Term 2. Details on how to book appointments will be sent out during the first week back in January.