Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
25 September, 2024

Exploring the Right IGCSE Study Path at the Year 9 Options Evening

Exploring the Right IGCSE Study Path at the Year 9 Options Evening - Exploring the Right IGCSE Study Path at the Year 9 Options Evening

To help our Year 9 students prepare for Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) and get ready for the upcoming academic year, we organised a Year 9 Options Evening for students and their families to gain a deeper understanding of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) program. 

Exploring the Right IGCSE Study Path at the Year 9 Options Evening - Exploring the Right IGCSE Study Path at the Year 9 Options Evening

This event provided an opportunity for parents and BVIS to collaborate with the students in exploring the world of careers, discovering interests, and beginning to set goals. From this, our students can set appropriate targets, develop a reasonable study plan, and make informed IGCSE subject choices. 

During the event, held on the evening of Thursday (19/09/2024), Ms. Dung Mai, College & University Guidance Counsellor, and Mr. Rob Duff, Assistant Head of Secondary, provided a wealth of advice along with a set of questions that families can quickly apply when considering subjects together. This helps ensure that the choices align with each student’s strengths, passions, and interests. 

At the subject booths, our parents and students had the chance to hear from subject teachers and senior student leaders, facilitating a smoother and more effective subject selection process for Year 9 students and their families.