03 June, 2022

Weekly Highlights 03/06/2022

Update from the principal

Weekly Highlights 03 06 2022 - Copy of Weekly Highlights 03 06 2022 

Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear Parents

This week, there has been an increased amount of media attention surrounding an incident that took place in another international school within the city.

As a school, we have been reflecting upon the guidance and support that we offer every BVIS student and our wider community in times of difficulty and crisis.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

It is important to understand that this kind of support is not only there for times of difficulty and crisis but it is embedded and built into our curriculum and school culture so that the children in our care are well equipped and fully understand what to do and where they can go if they require help.

Our belief that it's equally important for all parents to fully understand this too, therefore I would like to share the following information with you. 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

This weekend, please take time to sit and talk with your children in order to reinforce the messages that have been reinforced across the school this week and ask the following questions:

  • If you haven't understood something in class, what can you do and who could you ask for help?

  • If you need to talk to someone about something you are worried about, who could you ask?

  • If you are worried about your mental health, who could you talk too?

In last week’s Highlights, I challenged parents to talk to their child(ren) about looking forward to the summer and a new academic year and asked for any responses to be shared with me via email.

My sincere thanks to Mr Hai for his informative and insightful response and to his daughter, Ha Minh (Mary) in 11S, for coming to engage and connect with me (and also receive her special gift!). I enjoyed learning about a new business idea linked to the environment and how school learning can be applied to ‘real life’ situations.

Contact Us

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Should you require any help, support or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below:

  • For all additional Primary Enquiries, please call /email: 

(028) 3758 0709 / ext. 111 or primaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

  • For all additional Secondary Enquiries, please call / email

(028) 3758 0717 / ext. 211 or secondaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

Have a very peaceful and family orientated weekend ahead and remember........always look after each other!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

Meatless Mondays

Primary student council launched their most recent initiative this week called, ‘Meatless Mondays’. The concept involves an increased choice of dishes without meat on the Monday lunch menu to encourage children to eat a healthy balance of different proteins across the week. Eating less meat is not only good for your health, but also good for the environment. Our student council, who led the week’s activities and shared interesting facts about going meatless for some meals, are driven to help their fellow peers understand how what we eat not only impacts our bodies, but also impacts the environment.   

Thank you to the primary student council for their great leadership and ambition shown in their launch of ‘Meatless Mondays’. 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Speech and Poetry Competition

Last Friday’s assembly was one of the most exciting themes that we celebrate each year, when the winners of our annual Speech and Poetry competition were announced. This year’s topic for the speeches was far from simple. Students had to compose their ideas and opinions around our school’s values, “Global citizens with a Vietnamese Perspective”. The judges were amazed by the content of the speeches that were presented. Each student had identified someone in their life who epitomises a ‘Global citizen with a Vietnamese Perspective’. Some chose their grandparents whilst others chose their school teachers, and all gave incredibly well-structured opinions and reasons for their choices.  
Moving to the poetry, judges had the challenge of filtering down the entries and deciding upon those students who performed their poem with skill and confidence whilst capturing the listener’s attention. In the lower primary years, children participated in a poetry illustration competition. Again, there were so many excellent efforts that depicted the theme of the poem, but to end the competition a winner and runner up from each class was selected and highlighted in assembly. 

Well done to all students who entered the competition and a special mention to the finalists and winners.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Extra-Curricular Clubs 

As we reach the mid-point of our trial club programme, I would like to share the fun-filled experiences that students are enjoying.  In May, students had the opportunity to sign up for a wide variety of activities that enhanced their learning and development for a 5-week period. Now, at the end of week three, students have been observed thoroughly enjoying clubs that include activities such as cooking, sports, literature, facts, maths, arts, crafts, board games and technology.   

The enriching programme offered to students not only builds new skills and experiences but also develops confidence, brings fulfilment and achievement. I look forward to seeing even more students registered for season one clubs as the new academic year 2022-23 begins.  Please note, sign up for the next season of clubs will commence when the children return to school in August after their summer break. 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Upcoming Events

  • 14/6/22 – Year 6 Transition Day (student only event)

  • 14/6/22 – EYFS Staggered Entry meeting: preparation for the new academic year. Face to face in school at 08:45 or online at 16:30. Please register attendance at the form emailed to parents

  • 16/6/22 – Year 6 Celebration (Y6 parents invited – ticket only event)

  • 17/06/22 – End of Year Reports sent to parents via email

  • 21/6/22 – Lower Primary Swim Festival (student only event)

  • 22/6/22 – Upper Primary Swim Galas (student only event)

  • 23/6/22 – Transition Hour for students (student only event)

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mr Jack Rudin, Head of Secondary

BVIS Secondary Champion of the Week 

A huge well-done to Minh Anh from 8S who is this week’s Champion. It was a great week for students collecting housepoints this week, so to be top was a particularly good achievement! Congratulations Minh Anh! 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Champion Tutor Group of the Week 

With Minh Anh being the individual Champion and everyone else in the tutor group collecting housepoints as well, it is no surprise that 8S are this week’s Champion Tutor Group. In fact, they were over 100 housepoints clear of second place which is the largest winning margin this year! Well done 8S! 

An Update from our Business Studies Department  

Year 10 Business students have been studying for their end-of-year exam this week. Term 3 was packed with a wide range of business concepts and theories, but the marketing module took centre stage in the last few weeks. 

On Tuesday, students collaborated together on exam case studies and responses, then took time to analyse and identify any areas of potential refinement in their peers' essay-style answers. 

Not only did this allow them to work and communicate with one another, but it also allowed them to build on each other's ideas. What was particularly impressive was their overall eagerness to help and guide one another. 

We wish the year 10 Business Studies students all the best in their examinations next week. 

BVIS Weekly Highlights 

An Update from our Humanities Department  

As part of the Humanities Medieval Realms topic, Year 7 studied the changes to England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. The Motte and Bailey castles were quick to construct and the 3 winning model entries by Cherry, Vy and Giang were excellent examples of what these castles looked like.  

When looking at some of the vegetation and architecture, there is a real ‘British-Vietnamese’ twist to the models; which we love! There was also an opportunity to design them virtually on Minecraft.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Community Update - Rang Dong Community Club returns!

This week we welcomed back children from one of our community partners, Rang Dong School. The children came in to learn about Art with Ms Lavender and were assisted by our wonderful BVIS student volunteers. The children created some fantastic Under the Sea themed paintings.  

Our amazing BVIS students were there to help translate and interact with the children. They made them feel very welcome to BVIS! Next week the Rang Dong children will be learning about Science with Mr Tohill! 

If your child(ren) would be interested in being a volunteer and helping to give their time with the Rang Dong Community club, then please contact Ms Hardiman via email at the following address: georgina.hardiman@bvisvietnam.com 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

An Update from our Music Department - Songwriting Showcase! 

On Thursday 26th May BVIS hosted its first ever Songwriting Showcase! The purpose of the event was for students to perform some of their own original compositions and songs to a live audience. Students from Key Stages 3 – 5 (Years 7-13) braved the stage and performed some fantastic work to an appreciative audience in the Theatre.  

From pop song ballads to catchy bossa nova beats, it was a toe-tapping event enjoyed by all! Well done to all performers! 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

BVIS Weekly Highlights