Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 March, 2022

What are the Options?

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What are the Options? Making choices about our future studies is always a challenging and exciting time, and to support our BST students, our annual Options Evening was held earlier in the month. IGCSE's and A-Levels are internationally recognised and valued qualifications which will allow access to the best universities in the World, so it's very important that our students make the best decisions for them.

Making choices about our future studies is always a challenging and exciting time, and to support our BST students, our annual Options Evening was held earlier in the month.  IGCSE's and A-Levels are internationally recognised and valued qualifications which will allow access to the best universities in the World, so it's very important that our students make the best decisions for them.

Year 9 and Year 11 students and parents were invited to join us in the Kalandar Theatre to learn more about what the IGCSE and AS-Level courses entail.  What are the expectations of students? How will they be assessed? What other opportunities are there as they move into KS4 and KS5? Students and parents were then able to speak personally with the subject teachers about each of the courses offered here at BST to find out more about each specific course.
All in all, another successful event, with students and parents leaving, with even greater confidence about what the future will hold.