Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
22 January, 2022

What is the Growth Mindset Video

What is the Growth Mindset Video Mr Simon Porter delivered a virtual session on the "Growth-Mindset" on Friday 21st January, based on the work of Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University. He also gave ideas and tactics on how to instill the Growth Mindset in your children. The session was followed by an introduction to the new PTFA (Parent Teacher Friends Association) committee.

Mr Simon Porter delivered a virtual session on the "Growth-Mindset" on Friday 21st January, based on the work of Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University. He also gave ideas and tactics on how to instill the Growth Mindset in your children. 
The session was followed by an introduction to the new PTFA (Parent Teacher Friends Association) committee. If you were unable to join us virtually, please catch up on the session below