Our House system
We have four Houses at BSKL. Their names and colours are:
- Normans - red.
- Saxons - green.
- Romans - blue.
- Vikings - yellow.
Our House system has two elements:
- A Merit scheme, where children gain House points for awards relating to attainment and effort.
- Internal competitions, which include a sports day, swimming galas, and musical performances.
The whole school is involved in the Merit system, and each teacher and assistant is also part of a House. Regular house assemblies are held throughout the year, too. The first meeting elects House captains (one boy and one girl).

Early Years Foundation Stage Merit scheme
Students are given daily reward stickers for good behaviour and attitude to learning. They then receive Mr Men or Little Miss certificates for 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 stickers, which they take home to celebrate with their parents.
Key Stage 1 and 2 Merit scheme
Students are awarded House points for excellent work and effort. Teachers award points when deserved, and it is the responsibility of each child to enter their point on the chart displayed in the class. Specialist teachers can also award House points.
Key Stage 3 and 4 Merit scheme
We reward great academic work and our students' approach to learning. Each week, one pupil is nominated for the ‘Student of the Week’ trophy in recognition of the number of commendations they receive. It's important to note that commendations are awarded as much for learning approach and positive community contributions as for academic attainment.
Commendations are entered on to each student's record. It's a high profile reward that's highly valued. We make ‘Student of the Week’ announcements each week in assembly, too. Commendations also count towards the overall House Cup.
Following reports and progress reviews, students who have demonstrated an outstanding approach to learning are invited to a celebratory breakfast. Positivity, encouragement, recognition, and reward are the driving force behind our approach to behavioural management in school.