28 June, 2024

BSKL Social Impact Team transforming spaces: From misused room to vital learning support sensory haven

BSKL Social Impact Team transforming spaces: From misused room to vital learning support sensory haven - BSKL Social Impact Team transforming spaces
BSKL Social Impact Team transforming spaces: From misused room to vital learning support sensory haven
The Secondary Well-being room, once underutilised and often misused, has undergone a remarkable transformation into a dedicated learning support sensory room, marking a significant milestone in the school's commitment to inclusive education.
This room, previously having no clear identity and often serving as a catch-all for various non-educational activities, now stands as a dedicated sanctuary designed to meet the diverse sensory needs of students. After a one-week trial, the room's positive impact has already been noticeable by helping to emotional regulate and mentally stimulate various students in times of distress. Even the staff have benefitted from the room's calming nature, providing a quiet space to get work done!

The transformation process was a Social Impact Initiative that involved meticulous planning and collaboration among the Social Impact Team, the Secondary Learning Support staff, the counsellor, and the STUCO Wellbeing strand. Under the guidance of Mrs. Raeisa Bogdanov (Social Impact Lead), the new learning support sensory room is equipped with an array of sensory tools and resources, including tactile panels, weighted blankets, soft lighting, a bubble tube, puzzles and calming sounds. These elements are carefully chosen to create a soothing environment that helps students with sensory processing issues manage stress and anxiety, ultimately improving their focus and learning outcomes.

In addition to physical upgrades, the learning support staff has made adjustments to effectively utilise the sensory room's features and tailor support to each student's unique needs. For now, the room will only be accessible to a select group of students who will best benefit from the use of the space. These students were also trained in how to respectfully and safely use the room. This training ensures that the room is not just a space for downtime but an integral part of the educational experience, fostering emotional regulation, concentration, and a sense of safety.

The successful conversion of the Secondary Well-being room into a Learning support sensory room serves as a testament to the positive impact of thoughtful design and targeted support in enhancing student well-being and academic performance. This new sensory room is a beacon of hope and progress, providing a vital resource for students to thrive both emotionally and academically.

A sincere thank you to everyone involved in this endeavour, from the Year 12 and 13 students who painted the mural to the various Social Impact Team members who helped organise the space to the staff for their continuous feedback. We look forward to seeing the ongoing positive impact the room will have on the wellbeing of the student population.