26 June, 2024

BSKL Social Impact Team attends NAE-UNICEF Summit 2024

BSKL Social Impact Team attends NAE-UNICEF Summit 2024 - BSKL Social Impact Team attends NAE-UNICEF Summit 2024
BSKL Social Impact Team attends NAE-UNICEF Summit 2024
BSKL recently had the privilege of sending three Student Ambassadors to the NAE-UNICEF Summit from 12-19 June in Houston, Texas, USA as part of the Social Impact Team (SIT). 
Polina G Year 10, Kaythari L Year 12 and Kokoro T Year 12 braved the long flights alongside Mrs. Katherine Humphrey as chaperone to wave the BSKL flag!

They ensured weeks of rigorous SDG and Critical thinking training with Mrs. Bogdanov – BSKL Social Impact Lead, Mr. Milliner – Assistant Head: Student Development and Community Engagement, Kiana S – the 2023 BSKL Student Ambassador, Aakanksha V – the reserve ambassador, and Ms. Humphrey – Pastoral Lead to fully prepare them for the rigour, pace and their role at the Summit.

The 2024 Summit was a resounding success, having been held in the UN Child-friendly city of Houston for the first time. Fellow NAE school, The Village School, played host both for most Summit activities and for boarding the students in their state-of-the-art dormitories. It fostered leadership and global awareness among students through a variety of dynamic workshops and activities. Student ambassadors and Chaperones all engaged in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) training and Leadership workshops, were treated to Expert talks and Peer discussions, and received specialized training from UNICEF and other leaders in the field, such as World’s Largest Lesson. These sessions equipped them with the tools to effectively implement SDGs in their schools and lead others on the Social Impact pathway.

A highlight was the students' volunteering at the Houston Food Bank, where they sorted 5,951 lbs of dry goods and prepared 4,959 meals, making a tangible impact on the Houston vulnerable community.

The final project was a Capstone event which challenged students with a problem statement, prompting them to collaborate with Regional ambassadors to showcase their learning and skills. Once they identified potential issues and solutions, they then had to make it country-specific, with the aim to build community awareness and develop action plans. Their innovative solutions were presented in a “fair” setting of 5-7 minutes, showcasing their collaborative efforts and their ability to articulately present their ideas to others.

Most notably, two of our student ambassadors, Polina and KayKay won Learner Ambition Awards for their outstanding qualities, while Kokoro received an honourable mention for her resilience and determination.

Beyond the educational workshops, students enjoyed team-building activities, a visit to the Natural History Museum, a screening of "Inside Out 2," bowling, and diverse culinary experiences, from Texas BBQ to Food trucks.

This trip was undeniably a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the students. They admirably faced the unknown, conquered their fears of public speaking, and built confidence in themselves. The various workshops and activities pushed them out of their comfort zones, encouraging personal growth and resilience. This transformative journey not only broadened their horizons but also instilled in them the courage to lead and inspire others, leaving an indelible mark on their personal and academic lives. We are excited to see how the they will implement all that they have learned at BSKL!