03 May, 2024

BSKL Ski Trip 2024: Snowy adventures and alpine memories in Verbier

Ski Trip 2024
BSKL Ski Trip 2024: Snowy adventures and alpine memories in Verbier

BSKL returned to the glorious slopes of Verbier for our annual BSKL Ski Trip. Since last year received such great reviews, we had plenty of new students and a lot of returning skiers this time around.

Let's hear from some of our students:

There were more people who took part this year than last year, and I had an amazing time with them. For me, as I went on the trip last year, it was easier to navigate around Les Elfes and the town of Verbier. I did many things I wanted to do last year such as buying cheese, going to different parts of the mountain to challenge myself and skiing down slopes I couldn’t last year. In fact, we even got poles this year which was a massive improvement since last year. Overall, I had an amazing time during the trip, making new friends from BSKL and from other schools. I would love to go back next year for this amazing experience. Thank you to all the teachers and other students who made this trip so memorable for me!

Gini N, Year 9

I enjoyed having a new experience and trying a new type of activity. Learning to ski was a really humbling experience, but I liked learning something completely new. I also enjoyed the experience of being in Switzerland with the different culture and people. I really enjoyed going into town and seeing the life of other people in Switzerland. But I think the best part was being able to spend time with my friends; it was a great bonding experience. I also met a lot of new people, made new friends, and learned more about my friends.

Hao Zeng L, Year 9


Overall, as expected, our BSKL students had a fantastic time and were incredibly well behaved throughout the whole trip. All of them made great progress on the slopes, those new to skiing improving hugely and those returning, moving to new challenges and venturing to new parts of the mountain with ease. The students loved the trips into town, rock climbing and playing sports in the sports centre and hanging out with friends at the chalet.

This was for sure a memorable trip for them all and they should feel very thankful and lucky to have had such a great opportunity. Thank you to the parents who allowed them to go on the trip and trusted BSKL to take care of them.

A huge thanks to Les Elfes who provided our students with this fabulous opportunity, took care of them and challenged them throughout the whole week. Finally, a thank you from me to the students and also to our two chaperones, Mr. Low and Dr. Brown who gave up their time to help on this trip. BSKL Ski Trip, Verbier 2025 – sign up coming soon...