03 May, 2024

Big Sing 2024

Big Sing 2024
Big Sing 2024

On the vibrant Saturday of April 27th, the theater at BSKL resonated with the harmonious voices of over 400 students, marking yet another successful edition of the annual Big Sing.

This event saw the participation of 20 schools from various corners of Malaysia, creating a tapestry of musical talent that transcended geographical boundaries.

Hailing from Kuala Lumpur to distant locales like Ipoh, Penang, and Johor, these students brought their enthusiasm and dedication to the stage. Months of preparation culminated in a spectacular showcase, demonstrating the power of collective effort and shared passion for music.

The journey to the Big Sing begins long before the curtains rise. Students diligently rehearse their songs under the guidance of their teachers at their respective schools, honing their skills and perfecting their performances. Upon arriving at BSKL, they converge for a two-hour rehearsal in the morning, fine-tuning their harmonies with the accompaniment of a skilled pianist.

Following a refreshing lunch break, the students are treated to the expertise of a live band comprising instrumental teachers Mr. Aidil and Mr. Fadley, accompanied by the talented Ms. Vinson on the keys. Together, they infuse the melodies with energy and rhythm, adding another layer of depth to the musical experience.

At 3:30 we welcomed a full house of parents and sang for an hour all together 9 songs with some solos taken by visiting choirs in the middle of the performance.

It was a fantastic day and we can’t wait to host it again next year.