07 February, 2024

Year 11 become Sixth Formers for a day

Year 11 become Sixth Formers for a day - Year 11 Become Sixth Formers for a Day
Year 11 become Sixth Formers for a day
On 6th February 2024, BSKL's Year 11 students got a taste of Sixth Form life, dressing as young professionals and engaging in a day of A-Level subject taster lessons. 

The students showed their growing maturity during the lessons, actively participating and demonstrating their readiness for the move up to Key Stage 5.

This event, a key part of our A-Level Options process, allows students to explore subjects of interest, helping them to choose the subjects they wish to pursue. It also provided our current Year 11s with the chance to use our recently renovated Sixth Form facilities. With a common room, pool table, and study room, plus permission to use the Hilltop Cafe, these spaces are designed to enhance both academic achievement and student wellbeing.

We hope our Year 11s enjoyed the day and found it productive. We look forward to seeing them back here as fully fledged Sixth Formers in August!