01 December, 2023

Kiana in Year 11 joins the Nord Anglia Student Advisory Board

Kiana Student Advisory Board
Kiana in Year 11 joins the Nord Anglia Student Advisory Board
We are proud to announce Kiana's recent appointment as a member of the Nord Anglia Student Advisory Board. She is now part of a group of 16 individuals who have been selected from 80,000+ students across 88 schools in 8 regions. Kiana is one of only two representatives for the Southeast Asia region. Please find her entry below.
Hello! I’m Kiana from Year 11 and I am thrilled to have been selected as a member of the Student Advisory Board for Nord Anglia Education. My role as part of the Student Advisory Board will focus on Nord Anglia’s social impact and the progress we are making towards contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, I will be facilitating conversations for students in our region to gather thoughts and ideas on the matters that are most important to young people, as well as playing a key role in the evaluation process of applications for the Social Impact Grants.

As part of my application, I had to discuss examples of how I acted as a student leader within the BSKL community and why I believe it is important to act on the Sustainable Development Goals. I was able to talk about how our school focuses our initiatives and work on embedding our school's values and fostering an inclusive environment, while encouraging community involvement. Additionally, I wrote about how I focus extensively on advancing the Global Goals as part of the Social Impact Team, utilising them as a framework for impactful initiatives. I was also able to discuss my roles as a Student Leader in our MUN CCA, my role in the Social Impact Team, and an upcoming dialogue initiative I am co-leading. These leadership opportunities and the support I have received for my initiatives really helped me with my application.

To answer the second question as to why I believe it is important to act on the Sustainable Development Goals, I was able to discuss the necessity of an achievable framework to work towards resolving global issues.

The SDGs address critical global issues like poverty, inequality, climate change, access to education, justice, and healthcare. Additionally, implementing the SDGs fosters positive, impactful change at various levels, from local communities to nations and globally. Furthermore, the goals are interconnected and aim to create a sustainable, equal, and positive future. Working on these goals ensures that development and change is not at the expense or is not at the fall of the environment, economy, or society, promoting a continual and balanced approach that tackles every issue at hand around the world. Moreover, The SDGs require collaboration among governments, businesses, society, and individuals. They serve as a common agenda, promoting cooperation and partnerships to achieve shared objectives. Acting on the Global Goals empowers communities by focusing on inclusivity, equality, education, and access to resources. The goals provide an achievable, specific roadmap for long-term development, guiding efforts towards specific targets, measurable outcomes, and a goal for a better future by 2030.

I'm eagerly looking forward to starting and continuing my work alongside this remarkable group. Together as a Student Advisory Board group and as a whole community at Nord Anglia Education, we can drive meaningful change, not just for Nord Anglia Education but for the betterment of our world, while actively striving to achieve the SDGs and creating a positive impact as a unified collective.