01 September, 2023

Safeguarding at BSKL

Safeguarding at BSKL - Safeguarding at BSKL
Safeguarding at BSKL
Thank you to althe parents whattended the Safeguarding Parent Academy session over the lastwweeks.

It has been a pleasure to be able to engage with you all on the crucial topic of safeguarding and how we, as a school, work together to keep your children safe.


Firstly, I want to begin by introducing the team. There are eight teachers on the Safeguarding and Child Protection Team who all bring with them experience and knowledge in their respective areas.


 Safeguarding at BSKL - Safeguarding at BSKL


At BSKL, our ethos and mantra is: "We are all responsible for preserving the learning environment and safeguarding our community. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure our students feel safe and empowered to succeed, and we will intervene if this is not the case." If children do not feel safe in school, then they are less likely to take risks in their learning, feel happy, be ambitious for themselves and as a result their academic progress may suffer.

It is important to understand what we mean by the term ‘safeguarding’, and this can be defined as:

  • Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment

  • Preventing impairment of children's mental and physical health or development 

  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care 

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes


Furthermore, as a school we have stipulated our safeguarding expectations as a community which are:

  • A child's welfare is paramount, and each student has the right to be protected from harm and to have their welfare safeguarded irrespective of race, religion, ability, gender or culture

  • All students need to be safe and feel safe in school 

  • Every student is entitled to a rich and broad curriculum that helps to equip them to keep themselves safe

  • Every adult in school must have a demonstrable commitment to protecting the students with/for whom we work 

  • We work in partnership with parents/carers/and or other professionals to ensure the protection of students 

  • Our guiding principle throughout is 'the best interests of the students'

  • All students have the same equal rights to protection, but we recognise that we need to do more for some students because of their special educational needs, disability, gender or religion.


Our full Safeguarding Policy is available here

You can also find the slides to the Safeguarding Parent Academy session here.

If you have any questions regarding safeguarding at BSKL, please contact katie.humphrey@britishschool.edu.my