22 June, 2023

Highlights from the Year 6 Transition Days

Highlights from the Year 6 Transition Days - Highlights from the Year 6 Transition Days
Highlights from the Year 6 Transition Days
The Secondary campus welcomed Year 6 as part of their transition into Year 7.
On Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June, we welcomed Year 6 to the secondary campus, as part of their transition into Year 7. The day began with a fun and interactive assembly by Mr Wilson, Head of Year 7, who posed a moral dilemma - would you save a penguin from an oil spill? He guided students through different stages of the scenario, all while giving them a chance to discuss and share their thoughts. A great start to the day! 

The rest of Thursday morning was then spent in new tutor groups, where the children got to know their Year 7 tutors and their new classmates. The student council transition team also assisted by leading tours of the campus, answering questions, and reassuring the children that it is okay if they get lost in the maze that is the secondary school - one of our friendly teachers or students would help them find their way.

Excited and enthusiastic throughout both days, the children sampled a range of subjects that they will soon be studying. From poetry analysis in English, to complex Maths challenges, and fun with the Greek alphabet in Art and Graphics, the children not only impressed the secondary teachers with their knowledge and focus, but also eagerness for learning new things. 

The highlight of the transition days for many was the practical Science lesson. Encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, and face fears for some, the children worked in groups to dissect a fish and analyse its internal organs. This was an excellent taste of what is to come in Science in secondary school - new challenges, learning practical skills, and fun experiments. 

At lunch times, the children took part in a range of activities, including badminton and basketball organised by the Sports Leaders; board games; and also a quiz, hosted by the student council. It was great to see the children get involved and interact with older students, in preparation for joining us in August. 

Below are some of their highlights: 

One memory of secondary school that I will never forget was watching ‘The roof that collapsed’. The acting was phenomenal, and I even got a little emotional. We were extremely lucky to watch this assembly and it was very enjoyable.

I am excited to move up to secondary school because I get to be in the same campus as my sister every day.

By Ivanna

Computing class: we got to go on a website called Toxicode and we played a coding game.
Science class: science class was my favourite because we got to cut open a fish! It might sound disgusting, but to me it was really fun. You get to see the fish’s organs, the bones and to flesh. I took out the liver, the heart, the bones, the eyes and the gills.

I am so excited for secondary and finally there’s air conditioning everywhere. :)

By Max 

One of my favourite classes was Geography. It was the funniest class ever. We had Mr Lowe as the geography teacher. He made us make inventions to make him rich turns out none of us made him rich. My invention was a tiny toaster with legs and antennas that collects rubbish and will have many of them in the sea after that when it comes back to land it melts the plastic to stop plastic waste.

Another favourite thing in secondary school is how we are able to move into different classes. It's fun how we are able to be independent with our own freedom without an adult having to follow us everywhere.

By Megan 

Out of all the one of my favourite subjects was business. In business we learned to do marketing. We presented many random things that we don’t even know. Even though I won’t be learning business till Year 10, it was still a nice experience. 

By Olivia 

I enjoyed the media lesson. It was the best thing so far on the day and I felt as if I were sucked into a world of wonder and marketing. We started with a subject of the movie ‘Thor Ragnarök’ and then discussed which type of audience it would appease too. Then we thought about the marketing of the movie example, toys and comics. So much fun!

By Lloyd