15 June, 2023

Secondary House Celebration Assembly

Secondary House Celebration Assembly - Secondary House Celebration Assembly
Secondary House Celebration Assembly
Honouring student excellence, unleashing talent, and fostering house spirit. Congratulations to our House Leaders and students on a remarkable year of achievements!
On behalf of the House advisors, we are delighted to share the highlights of our recent House assembly, themed "Celebration." The assembly was a magnificent display of talent, unity, and appreciation for our House system.

One of the highlights was the presentation of awards to students from each House, recognising their outstanding embodiment of our school values. These exceptional individuals have consistently demonstrated qualities such as risk-taking, kindness, resilience, integrity, and being ambitious. 

Moreover, the assembly showcased a diverse range of performances, including dance routines, guitar solos, and a captivating magic show. The talent displayed by our students was truly remarkable.

We congratulate all the students for their remarkable achievements and contributions to the House system this year. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to our extraordinary House leaders. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, they have shown tremendous dedication and resilience in revitalising the House system.

Looking ahead, we are excitedly anticipating another successful year with the House system. We encourage all students to actively engage and participate, as it is through your involvement that we can elevate the House spirit to new heights.