02 June, 2023

Year 1 Assembly - An Emotional Menagerie

Y1 Assembly
Year 1 Assembly - An Emotional Menagerie
This week the Year 1 classes each took to the stage to undertake their own class assemblies. These were based on a recent text we have been reading and learning together- the poetry anthology, 'An Emotional Menagerie'. 

The book draws comparisons between feelings and animals and the children had great fun dressing up and becoming different creatures. They explored anger, curiosity and resilience, amongst others, and considered links to our school values. 

We are very proud of their performances and we hope that all attendees enjoyed seeing a snapshot of their learning on show. Thank you to all parents for helping the children to practise their lines and also thank you to Mr Tant, teachers and assistant teachers for assisting with setting up the stage in the Juilliard Room and help choreographing the assemblies.

Mr Guy Taylor