02 June, 2023

BSKL School Libraries

BSKL School Libraries - BSKL School Libraries
BSKL School Libraries

Reading is a fundamental skill that not only opens doors to knowledge but also unlocks a world of imagination and personal growth. In today's fast-paced digital age, the importance of reading cannot be overstated.


Reading is a fundamental skill that not only opens doors to knowledge but also unlocks a world of imagination and personal growth. In today's fast-paced digital age, the importance of reading cannot be overstated. It goes beyond simply deciphering words on a page; reading broadens horizons, enhances vocabulary, and cultivates critical thinking. It exposes us to diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas, fostering empathy and understanding. Whether it's getting lost in a captivating story, delving into non-fiction to expand our knowledge, or immersing ourselves in the beauty of poetry, reading nourishes our souls and empowers us to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and insight. Embracing reading as a habit not only enriches our lives but also equips us with the tools to become informed, engaged citizens of the world.


Our school libraries will be temporarily closing for stock take and improvements in the next few weeks. All secondary books should be returned to school by June 9th in order to facilitate the secondary stock take. The secondary library will reopen on June 19th, allowing students to continue accessing its resources.


All primary books are to be returned by June 16th on both the Lower Hill and Upper Hill campuses. The Upper Hill library will reopen on June 26th, providing children with the opportunity to borrow books to enjoy during the summer break. However, we would like to highlight that the Lower Hill library will remain closed until the end of the term. This closure is necessary to implement changes that will enhance the library's functionality and resources. We are excited to announce that we will be generifying the Lower Hill library and making significant improvements to ensure an even better provision for our students for the next academic year. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work towards creating an enriching reading environment.


We strongly encourage all students to continue their reading journey during the summer break. Our expectation is that students will continue to read every dayjust as we expect during the regular term. Research has consistently shown that maintaining a consistent reading habit has long-term benefits for vocabulary development and comprehension. Reading during the break helps prevent the "summer slide" where students may experience a decline in their academic skills. It allows them to maintain their literacy skills, vocabulary, and comprehension abilities, ensuring a smooth transition when they return to school. Reading during the summer holidays not only enriches their intellectual growth but also provides a relaxing escape from daily routines and screens, offering a chance to unwind and recharge. It is through reading that students can continue to develop their literacy skills, broaden their horizons, and embark on exciting literary adventures throughout the summer months.


At BSKL, we encourage students to have a diverse range of reading materials. Physical books provide an opportunity to take a break from devices and immerse oneself in a new world. Our students will be able to borrow books from our Secondary library and Upper Hill library. However, as our Lower Hill library will not be reopening until next academic year, we also have a wide range of digital resources that all students can access to help supplement their summer reading. Our BSKL digital resources cater to a wide range of interests, offering academic recommended reading and up-to-date news to supplement regular reading habits. Listening to audiobooks is also an ideal way to incorporate reading into a busy schedule. Our BSKL digital resources are always accessible online to cater for a wide range of interests.


All students have access to the following resources:


1. Borrowbox: Our digital English library with a fantastic collection of ebooks and audiobooks. The children can access BorrowBox using their school login details. They can then borrow from a wide range of audiobooks and ebooks to read at home.


2. Pressreader: This resource provides newspapers and magazines from 150 countries in 65 different languages. Please note that it is available to the entire BSKL community. We encourage parents to download the Pressreader app for free access over the school guest Wi-Fi. All students should have already accessed Pressreader and signed up for a school account before the summer break. Articles on Pressreader can also be translated into a range of languages to assist some of our students who are learning to read in English.


3. The Day: Our online newspaper that transforms the news into lessons for our students. It fosters critical thinking, real-world knowledge, and global awareness aligned with our British curriculum. This resource allows students to adapt the reading level of the articles and is available in English, Arabic, French, German, Mandarin, and Spanish.


We look forward to the children returning in August and telling us about all of the books that they have read over the summer and also them sharing any recommendations that they have.