26 May, 2023

Parent Partnership Session - The Benefits of Residential Trips

Parent Partnership Session - The Benefits of Residential Trips - Parent Partnership Session - The Benefits of Residential Trips
Parent Partnership Session - The Benefits of Residential Trips
This week Mrs Stringer and Mr Alexander had the opportunity to meet with parents and discuss the benefits of residential trips for students at BSKL. As we continue our series of ‘firsts’ since the global pandemic, this year has again seen students participating in Secondary Residential Bonding trips, FOBISIA trips and subject specific trips. Just this week we saw our Primary student’s head off on a hugely successful range of bonding trips across Malaysia.  

Residential trips are an integral part of a student's holistic education and complement the word class academic teaching and learning and extensive Beyond the Curriculum activities they enjoy at BSKL. As we discussed this week, they are about developing a sense of independence, building confidence, self-esteem and a ‘can do’ attitude. They are about building meaningful relationships with fellow students and teachers and creating lifelong memories. Although we know residential trips can bring a degree of worry and trepidation from parents and students alike as it may well be the first time away from home, they are an essential ingredient in developing resilience and enabling our students to thrive and flourish.  

We heard from Mr Wilson, Head of Year 7, Mr Davey, Head of Year 10 and Mr Milliner, Head of Sixth Form, on the importance of residential trips in enabling students to transition through key stages in Secondary and support the integration of new students into the BSKL family. Parents also had an opportunity to hear from three Secondary students on their wonderful experiences on last years bonding trips in Lumut and Gopeng. 

If you would like to know more about residential trips at BSKL, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Stringer or myself. 

Mr Alexander