12 May, 2023

Medieval Day in Year 4

Medieval Day
Medieval Day in Year 4
On Monday 8th May, Year 4 celebrated 'Medieval Day' in recognition of coming to the end of our humanities topic, 'Medieval Europe.'  To make this day extra special, the children came to school dressed in their best medieval attire.  We had knights, serfs, lords, ladies and even royalty on display!

Our days began with a spot of medieval cooking as the children learned how to make bread; a basic but popular medieval dish.  While we waited for our bread to rise, the children broke off into groups to deliver some presentations on a particular aspect of medieval history.  We were lucky enough to see many different styles of presentations, ranging from quizzes to PowerPoints to drama performances.  It was amazing to see such a range of mediums on display and a reminder that we are a neurodiverse year group who learn in a variety of different ways. 

After lunch, we took part in some art based activities to compliment our learning on Medieval Europe.  The children learned about the history behind a coat of arms and specifically learned that they were introduced so knights could paint them on to their armour as a way of being recognised at tournaments and in battle.  We also tried our hand at making some stained glass window artwork, drawing inspiration from real, medieval  stained-glass windows.

Finally, we finished the day with a well-earned treat as we enjoyed our bread with a bit of honey; an authentic medieval snack for those lucky enough to afford honey.  It certainly seemed like the children had an excellent day with lots of fun and great learning taking place.

Mr Alex Walsh