31 March, 2023

Parent Partnership Session - The Vision for Art at BSKL

Parent Partnership Session - The Vision for Art at BSKL
Parent Partnership Session - The Vision for Art at BSKL
In the Parent Partnership series this week we explored the value of Art in the curriculum.
Arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. Studying arts subjects encourages the development of critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us. Creativity can also help with wellbeing and improving health and happiness. 

In a rapidly changing landscape, creativity and critical thinking skills are essential. These skills provide the necessary tools to question our observations, explore ideas and perspectives, and employ resilience when faced with challenges. The skills we teach in Art and Graphics lessons at BSKL are grounded in developing ideas, observing, exploring, experimenting and refining to produce personal and meaningful outcomes. The product of this may be a beautiful piece of work but the value lies in the experience and that is where we place the emphasis. 

If you missed the event, you can find the slides here.
A short video was played to accompany the presentation which can be found here.

We are looking forward to showcasing the work of the secondary students on the 26th of June in the opening of the end-of-year exhibition entitled 'This is Us'. You are invited to attend and see the journey of exploration through a wide range of approaches across the creative subjects.