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News image Janet_with_green_background2 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Educational Insights | Highlights
End of term message from Principal, Janet Brock
Dear Parents, I can’t believe the Christmas break is upon us. It has been an extremely busy first term full of activities, events and competitions (some of which I have highlighted below) and we already have so much to congratulate ourselves on.
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News image BSKL_15 1 Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
How does BSKL ensure mid-year joiners in Secondary are supported academically?
​​​​​​​Moving schools can be a time filled with anxiety for parents and particularly children, who are dropped into a new environment with challenges ranging from building social relationships to finding their way around their new school buildings (which often sounds easier than it actually is).
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News image BSKL_115 Blog | educationalinsights | Early Years | Educational Insights
How using visual cues in Early Years helps mid-year joiners with EAL settle in quickly
We recognise that moving to a new school and starting your first ever school can be daunting for a child of any age, but imagine this transition as a very young child with few previous experiences to draw on for reassurance, and when you don’t speak the same language as most of your peers and adults.
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News image SuperNatural_LINK Blog | 3 | Global Stories
RoboSnail and furry wetsuit inventor wants students to look to the animal world for engineering inspiration
MIT’s Professor Anette Peko Hosoi is challenging our students to explore the unique qualities animals possess and how it can enhance human ability or solve human problems in the Super Natural MIT Challenge.
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News image StudyPA_LINK Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Can studying the performing arts create successful students?
If you want your child to excel academically, socially and personally, can studying the performing arts be a key to success? Laura Rea, Music Teacher and Southeast Asia Regional Lead for the Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme at the British International School, Hanoi (BIS Hanoi) says studying the performing arts can help students gain key skills and qualities to prepare them for their future.
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News image BSKL_86 Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Improving student wellbeing at BSKL
Wellbeing is essential in facilitating our students to reach their full potential and thrive in a changing world. Our school councillors highlight the type of transformative learning that is being addressed at BSKL.
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News image Growth Mindset blog Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Growth Mindset
Michael Burrows, Key Stage 2 Co-ordinator at The British School of Nanjing, explains what Growth Mindset is.
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News image Leading Learning blog Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Leading Learning
Pauline Gradden, Deputy Head of Secondary shares some thoughts on leadership.
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News image Maths Mastery blog Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Maths Mastery
Thomas Kimber, Year 6 Teacher and Primary Maths Coordinator talks about Maths.
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News image BSKL_77 1 Blog | educationalinsights | Educational Insights
Navigating University Selection
Nikki Mcleod, Head of Sixth Form, provides a detailed account of how to navigate university selection in a vast and complex landscape.
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News image BSKL LIONS FOBISIA 2018 Blog | studentstories | Student Stories
The Primary PE department and 40 pupils from year 5 and 6 headed to Phuket over the half term to partake in the prestigious Primary FOBISIA Games 2018.
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News image Student Stories Blog | studentstories | Highlights | Student Stories
Student Stories
No two students are the same and each of their journeys are unique.
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