Feedback from our community and beyond allows us to always stay on the right track.

An open door policy at The British School of Guangzhou has helped us gain a strong reputation in the community. We've found it essential to also develop structured opportunities to ensure we get the continuous feedback we need to stay on the right track — and this is the same for the Nord Anglia International School Guangzhou

Parent Support Groups

Parent Support Groups (PSG) were set up in 2014 for each of the Secondary, Primary and Early Years Schools. Led by supportive parents, these groups meet regularly with senior teachers to discuss school life.

Student Council

A Student Council is elected each year for both the Primary and Secondary Schools. These groups are student managed, meeting regularly with staff to discuss issues raised by the entire student body.

Annual Surveys

Each year the school invites different parts of the community to feedback to us through independently administered anonymous surveys. Below is the schedule the school generally follows:

Term 1- Staff Engagement Survey (Nord Anglia Education)

Term 2- Parent Satisfaction Survey (Nord Anglia Education)

Term 3- Student Surveys (Student Councils by Phase)

The results of these surveys are given to senior leaders at the school who help develop focus groups and action plans to enforce good practice and improve where needed.

Outside Organisations

In addition, we often have surveys or feedback from organisations we are accredited or affiliated to.