Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 March, 2024

BSG Joyful Book Week

BSG Joyful Book Week - book week 2024

There has been a buzz about books at BSG this week as we have held our annual Book Week across our campuses. It has been fantastic to celebrate our love of reading throughout the week by engaging in activities such as storytelling and exploring new books, allowing our imagination to wonder to far off lands.

Reading is an essential skill that helps develop our language and vocabulary as well as our creativity and imagination. At BSG we encourage our students to engage with diverse genres and authors which will enhance their literacy skills and expand their vocabulary. It has been great to see the range of genres being read during our ‘Drop Everything and Read’ sessions this week.

BSG Joyful Book Week - book week 2024

Another highlight of Book Week is the student chatter surrounding books and authors when walking around the school. Students can share their passion for literature through engaging with book discussions, storytelling and reviewing their recent reads for others.

BSG Joyful Book Week - book week 2024

Book Week is a great time to start the conversation of reading at home and begin to cultivate a love of reading. Bedtime stories are a lovely way to start and can be parent read, child read or a mix of both. This can involve your child selecting their favourite book or choosing a new genre or author to explore alongside your child. It is also important for your child to see your passion for reading and reading a book alongside your child can be a great way to model this. You can even engage in a discussion about your books after your reading session.