Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 October, 2023

Collaborating with Parents at BSG

Collaborating with Parents at BSG - Collaborating with Parents

Schools work best when parents and staff are connected, share common understandings and have common goals. As part of this process, BSG encourages dialogue focused on individual student achievement through reports, conferences and platforms like Class Dojo, Tapestry and Showbie. However, sometimes, the opportunity to get together and simply connect over a coffee can be just as important.


Last Friday's Parent Support Group meeting and bake sale brought representatives of our school community together in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Over 60 parents, both new and familiar faces, gathered for a coffee morning that served as a platform for exchanging ideas, fostering community engagement, and setting the stage for an exciting academic year ahead.


Collaborating with Parents at BSG - Collaborating with Parents


Chair of the PSG, Mrs. Nishanthi, led the meeting by sharing a comprehensive presentation, including a detailed summary of the activities and events organized during the last academic year and outlined the exciting plans for the year ahead. It was evident that everyone in the room was eager to be part of a vibrant and enriching school community.


Collaborating with Parents at BSG - Collaborating with Parents


After presentation, members of the school leadership team had arranged for parents to tour the school and see learning in action across the campus. Classroom visits allowed PSG parents and guests to witness their children's learning experiences first-hand, fostering deeper connections and gain greater understanding of what learning looks like at BSG.


Later that morning, a PSG bake sale coincided with our Mental Health and Wellbeing week, perfectly aligning with the theme of nurturing both physical and emotional healthIt was a wonderful way to close out the week and promote wellbeing among our students and their families. 


There are still opportunities for parents to engage with our Parent Support Group and be more involved in our school community. If you would like to learn more about how the PSG supports the school’s mission and values, and how you could be part of that, please contact