Weekends Activities at the British School of Guangzhou
We are pleased to announce the resumption of our community led after school and weekend activities from 11th February 2023.The purpose of the after school and weekend activities on offer at South Lake and Olympic Park campuses is to offer our students a wider range of opportunities and experiences to complement and enhance the opportunities offered within our curricular and extra-curricular provisions. All community led activities are at additional cost and they are led and delivered by external providers based in and around Guangzhou.
Starting on February, we have the following providers returning to BSG, whom we have enjoyed an excellent working relationship with for several years, click below to download the activity arrangements,
Please see the posters below with some information about each activities on offer. To register your child for a class, please scan the QR codes on each poster. Places are limited and will be awarded on a first-come first serve basis.
Please carefully see the dates, times, and location for each activity to avoid overbooking.Participants must wear appropriate clothing for each activity, which may be at additional cost.
Please do NOT send any money into school with your child. No transportation is provided so parents must bring and collect children from the school at the scheduled finish time.
If you will register for an activity, please ensure you join the relevant WeChat group for each activityfor all notices, updates and communication for these activities only. Group WeChat code will be shared with you from the external providers after your registration.
Please contact the relevant provider if you have specific questions about each activity on offer. For general enquiries, regarding community led activities, please emailmarketing@bsg.org.cn
IMPORTANT- Additional Notes
All external providers have been vetted and signed contracts with BSG to use our facilities outside of regular school hours and weekends.
For the weekdays in Olympic Park campus, students will be picked up from the lobby by their instructors at 2.50 pm on school days. Their instructors will bring them down to the lobby to be collected by parents at the scheduled finished time.
No refunds will be provided for sessions your child misses for any reason such as illness, injury or additional commitments elsewhere.
If classes are cancelled by BSG or the external providers (illness, unavailable facilities etc), we will seek to reschedule the class to a later date at no extra cost.
Tuition payment is to be made directly to the external providers.
These activities are planned, prepared, and delivered by external organization on behalf of BSG. Teachers of BSG will not be present during scheduled sessions.
All notifications of cancelled sessions, changes or news will be communicated via Wechat activity relevant groups.
South Lake Campus
Address: 983-3 Tonghe Road, Baiyun District,Guangzhou,