On a burning Thursday, the BSG U14 Rhinos girls had a confident and victorious 2-0 win over CIS!
BSG Guangzhou Scholarships 2024/25
On a burning Thursday, the BSG U14 Rhinos girls had a confident and victorious 2-0 win over CIS!
On a burning Thursday, the BSG U14 Rhinos girls had a confident and victorious 2-0 win over CIS!
Written by Aurna Adak, Student
Struggles had occurred with every second that passed by, the valiant players fighting hard despite being exhausted. Rolan, our impressive goalkeeper had 3 amazing and memorable saves.
Our defence, Chloe Son and Cici, kept it strong at the back, as a crucial piece of the puzzle. Joanna, Aurna, Sophia and Phoenix, our high-spirited midfielders, kept the game going, while our three determined strikers, Kingfu, Diana and Annika pressurised our opponents.
After numerous attempts, Phoenix with a pass from the right to Kingfu, in the penalty box, who made a short whilst accurate pass to Aurna, and our first goal!
After our attacking players had many attempts on the goal, Cici made a lovely pass up the pitch to Aurna, who dribbled and manipulated the ball, brought it up and passed it to Amanda who smashed the ball into the net once again just as the whistle blew! It was an enjoyable and tiresome game won by our Girl Rhinos!
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510515 CHINA
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